I don't know how to stop feeling like this.

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    • I don't know how to stop feeling like this.

      I"ve been feeling so depressed lately. I feel fat and ugly, and I know I'm not really that fat. Meaning I know there's people bigger than me. I'm 5'3 and weigh 115. When I go to school and see all the other girls I feel so huge and so ugly next to them. All the people I know have flat stomachs and perfect bodies. The place that I'm the biggest is around my stomach, and I feel like it sticks out. I try to suck in so no one will see it, but it's hard. Every time I eat I feel so depressed. I feel guilty like I just committed a crime. Afterwards, I often cry because I feel fat, and I feel like I have no control over my eating. In the morning when I'm getting dressed, I'll go through like 4 outfits because I think everything makes me look fat. I haven't been happy in a long time because I feel so fat and ugly. I don't know who to talk to about this. Every time I try to tell my mom she yells at me and tells me she doesn't want to hear it anymore. I want real help. I don't know how to stop feeling this way. I would really like to just love my body for the way it is. By the way, I'm 16

      The post was edited 1 time, last by natassia ().

    • Re: I don't know how to stop feeling like this.

      Everyone is shaped differently, and everyone has someone out there who loves your body type. 115 lbs at 5'3" FAT? EGG-SCUSE ME? That is not fat at all! Hell, that's about perfect actually! TRUST ME- LISTEN.

      Guys do NOT like skin & bone girls. At all. It's gross; who wants to date a skeleton? No one. Exactly.

      Guys like curves, healthy girls; confident ones who dont starve themselves, and even if it isnt the guys you're worrying about, 115 is actually about average if not below average for a 13 year old girl.

      It wont be easy or fast to just snap back up and feel confident and not worry about your appearence, NO ONE truly thinks they look perfect, they will always think there is room for improvement, and thats okay, but you should atleast think you look alrighty. I'm sure you do look good :) Slowly, step by step you can become more confident.

      If you ever want to talk about anything troubling you, PM me, I'm all ears and around your age, so it wont be awkward :)
    • Re: I don't know how to stop feeling like this.

      natassia, what are things about the situation you can't change? Other people's bodies. What are the things you can change? Your body, your self-image. Instead of being depressed about it, how about you try losing a few kilos. Not too many, since you're a good weight already. But losing a few kilos might make you happier and more confidence about your self, but remember to never compare yourself to other people's bodies, always compare your body with your self-image.

      As for losing weight, there's millions of guides out there, but the most basic is to just quit eating food in between meals, only eating at meals, and then taking 15 minutes a day to exercise. Whether it be fifteen minutes of situps, pushups, or running, they'll all help you out. And as elemein said, if you're going to lose weight, gain some muscle too because no guy wants to date a skelaton! You can do it, just set your mind to it! Take Care!
    • Re: I don't know how to stop feeling like this.

      For your height, you are a normal weight honestly. I'm 5'1 and my doctor wishes for me to gain enough weight to be 115 lbs, and you are two inches above me in height so quit being so hard on yourself. Right now you're going through your teen years where your self esteem is really going to be tested which is what you're going through right now. I think the way you negatively perceive yourself especially by what you see staring back at you in the mirror isn't how people really see you.

      If it's such a problem then try doing something productive. Instead of eating foods you know aren't healthy or are fattening try to eat a proper diet that cuts out overly fattening foods. Maybe even try going on walks every day, but do something about it if your weight is such a problem in your eyes. It's all in your mind.
    • Re: I don't know how to stop feeling like this.

      This chart begs to differ. It even says you're on the smaller side of the weight spectrum for your height. In other words, it's all in your head. You see the best in others, which is perfectly fine, but what's not okay is that you refuse to acknowledge these traits in yourself. I don't know how to convince you that you're beautiful, but hey, look at all these random people on the Internet complimenting your figure! If that's not creepily flattering and confidence-boosting, I don't know what is. If despite the monumental proof otherwise, you still feel depressed about your appearance, ask yourself why it's so important to be "pretty" in the first place. It's not even a skill!
      I just said something unforgivably stupid, didn't I?
    • Re: I don't know how to stop feeling like this.

      Ok i have been where you are. I am 5'4 and like 108 and 17yrs old. I used yo always feel like i was fat. Up until about 3 weeks ago i still fely like that. I deided trying to lose weight wasnt healthy so i started doing 200 crunches a day. I know it sounds like alot but just do 100 before bed and a 100 before school. Its not that bad and since I started I have felt much better about my size. The excersize will simply tone your stomach up. Im not sure if it will help you but it might if you want to try it. Your a healthy weight for your age and height. Stay the way you are and if you cant shake the feeling try the crunches it helps :)