See what's out there or stick with him?

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    • See what's out there or stick with him?

      I'll try to get straight to the point...

      Basically, I have a boyfriend but our parents don't know because his dad wants him to get a job first and all that. All our friends know though so I'm pretty sure he's not trying to hide me for other reasons. Anyway, I really feel like he may be the one and he said he feels the same way about me. Lately though I've been feeling restless about our whole situation. I'm starting to feel like it's just such a long time to wait and I need to see what's out there because I really have no other romantic experience. I met him straight out of high school and it's been us ever since (we're sophomores in college now and he says he won't be able to tell his parents AT LEAST until after college). I don't know if it's just me but I don't think just telling his dad he has a girlfriend (not like I'm pregnant or his wife or something) should be that big of a deal. And his parents not knowing means we can't really go out pretty much ever. He may sound lame but I do love him. He's sweet and he tries his best to make up for everything but I just keep thinking I want to see what's out there. I feel like I'm craving some freedom to flirt and look around but at the same time, I don't want to tell him because I'm afraid that asking for a break may become a permanent thing. It's a pretty complicated situation.

      But I guess my question's pretty simple: What would you do?
    • Re: See what's out there or stick with him?

      No one can tell you exactly what to do because thats a personal decision that you're going to have to come across yourself. However, I can give you this piece of advice. If you're unhappy or feel unsatisfied, then make yourself happy. You're in college and you're supposed to be having fun, there's nothing wrong with not wanting to be tied down right now. You two can always try to revisit a relationship in the future when things can work out better.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: See what's out there or stick with him?

      Tell him what you are thinking, either he makes the both of you official or else you're going to move on. Sometimes in life it is okay to be selfish and do things that you would like to do, even at expense of others. As you said, him not making you official merely because he's naive to his parents is a terrible excuse and he needs to move past that.

      You also bring up a very valid point, of not having any other experience dating other people. This may not affect you now, but in 5, 10, or 20 years time, you are going to wonder all of the possibilities you may have missed and how differently things could have been, merely because you never did swim in the ocean, you merely put your toe in and kept it there. Definitely something to think about.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ComplicatedMind ().