Please help :(

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    • Please help :(

      Hi, I'm 16 and I go to a college I don't like
      Ok look..after I finished school me and best friend decided no matter what we would go to college together, we thought even if it wasn't a great college we would still be together atleast n we would have fun. Though I scored much better than her in my tests n though I had many other choices to go to other colleges I chose to go to this one with my best friend. I even changed my subjects so we could be in the same class too! And NOW I feel like the most stupid person alive cause after like 2 months of college my friend decides to leave because she doesn't "like it". We never even tried talking to others cause we would have SO much fun with each other so I was left with no friends. All the popular people in collge don't like me too because they hated my best friend. N now I am left with these really really lame desperate people who I can never have fun with n I can't even make other friends cause many people don't like me too or else they r lame
      I feel stupid n dumb friend kept dragging on her decision of weather she would come back to collge to not n then suddenly she calls me one day n says she joined this "really cool school". I always had hopes that she would come to collge as she kept telling me she would but now won't for sure!
      I feel like an ass n I'm so annoyed ;(
    • Re: Please help :(

      At first you shouldn't just choose the same thing to be in the same class together. If you don't like is you should leave too. You just should choose what YOU like not someone else. I did choose also what I liked and sure you get in a class when you don't know anyone and stuff but you'll get friends after some time and it better too for what your gonna do after it etc.

      Your friend left you said, well you can still have fun with her right? still see each other after school and such, that doesn't have to change. And she's right for leaving if she doesn't like it. It's better for her to do something she likes.

      As for friends.. just try to find people in your class to talk with or have fun with, i'm sure there is atleast one person where you can have fun with. Just try to talk with them and hang out with them.

      Keep it up! :)
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.