I need just a little opinion

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    • I need just a little opinion

      When I was a highschool sophomore, I was obsessed with this senior guy, and not only did I totally look up to him, but I really liked him because he was a great friend to me (and the after school make out sessions didn't hurt). Two years later, I feel like the shoes on the other foot. Allow me to rephrase that: I thought this younger guy liked me. So I started liking him, even though I'm two years older than him. Well, apparently I said some things about my feelings for him after spending a night drinking (yes, I drink, don't hate me).
      Gossip went around, and all of the sudden he started acting really distant with me. He went from some one who I'd have never ending conversations through text, to someone who started doing the one word sassy replies.
      Now, usually in a situation like this, I'd just act like I hated him, until he thought the rumor was completely untrue.
      But, I'm thinking about it. I don't want to just act the complete opposite of how I've been acting. Is there a way to use this to my advantage, or to neither confirm or deny the rumor?

      Any advice will be taken! Thankthee