What do I do?

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    • What do I do?

      My ex-best friend and I have known each other for nearly 5 years. I come from Kentucky and Missouri and she comes from Florida. I live in FL now. SHe used to be shy. Me, outgoing. I still am.
      I don't mind that she's gotten outgoing. It's just her acting slutty and ghetto now that gets me ticked off.
      I'm still the same person. Her- not so much. On wednesday, I was sick. So I didn't go to school. Next thing I hear, people are asking me "Why are you still friends with ___ when she called you all those things?" What did she call me? Let's see... b*tch, wh*re, etc etc...

      SHe had no reason to. Well, she did, but it was a pathetic reason. I asked her for advice the night before, and she told me pretty much everything I already knew. So, I asked another friend, and she helped me. I told her that ___ wasnt any help. They just happened to be on the phone at the time so they told each other the messages. SHe thought it would be harmless, but Wednesday, this is what she said:
      "I tried to help her and she goes around telling everyone I'm no help?"
      I asked her about it because of course all my friends told me. SHe said she was kidding and I believed her until Friday night. How stupid I was... Because now, finding everything out, I know I can never be friends with her again.

      And although I know that this is all for the best, I can't help but feel upset. I don't know why... what do I do? I miss her. the OLD her. Not who she is now. Please Help.
    • Re: What do I do?

      You could talk to her why she's acting so weird and talking about you.

      And indeed people just change, if she stays telling those things about you and acting so weird/stupid then she's not really your friend anymore so then you should just forget about her.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: What do I do?

      I think you just have to accept that she's a different person, and If she keeps acting in a way that hurts you or that you don't like, you have every right to dump her as a friend. But hey, maybe it's just a phase she's going through, you could try talking to her, and if still she acts this way then screw her, your better then her.
    • Re: What do I do?

      Well, girls tend to try to gain popularity by putting down others with gossip. Gossip is a terrible weapon that should never be used by anybody. It's best that you try making new friends that you can rely upon. Friends that will stand up for you and are willing to talk to you. No matter in what relationship, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother/sister, husband/wife, friend or bestfriend, Trust is the greatest bond between any friendship.