if you're having a tough time, read this

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    • if you're having a tough time, read this

      what the fuck are we doing here? this life we're living.. is it what we imagined when we were 7 or 8 or 9 or 10? we had no idea we'd be like this then, so who's to say we have any grasp on where we're going to be in another ten years? are you happy with the decisions you've made? with the things you've done with your life? have you fulfilled all of your dreams? have you fulfilled any of them?

      the way i see it, and the way so many of these philosophicals and these philanthropists try to advertise, is that this is our life. it's the only 79 years we get and it goes by at a cruelly quick pace. so why waste any of it on things that do not matter? better yet, why cut it short? why end it sooner than it has to be over? you don't know whats on the other side waiting... how do you know there is anything there? or if there is, that it is better than here? i figure, might as well make the best of this right here right now because it's probably all you got. so for these 79 years, do whatever you want. do what makes you happy. eat shitty food, drive too fast, party as hard as you want. because tomorrow you're going to be an old fart. sitting in a chair thinking about the old days where you should have gone right and not left. you'll sit there thinking of what could have been, too late to make any of it happen. fuck that. that shit is for the weak.

      if your girl or boy dumps you, forget them. stop wasting your time on the pain. if someone you love dies, honor them by living enough for the both of you. if your wasting your time on a substance, then get rid of it. you think addiction is stronger than you? you're wrong. addiction can be beaten by a mindset. a mindset all of us have. and all you need to do is keep that mindset going. i promise you it's possible. i've seen it work. if your stuck in depression you can't get out of, reset. rid yourself of everything that doesn't boost you up. realize that people are just people, they're no better than you and they won't mean shit in just a few years. the only ones that will eternally mean something are those who you love seeing and love being around. there isn't a thing in this life that should make you think you aren't worthy or important. your life is more valuable then everything in this universe. because without it this universe wouldn't be here. you are everything. don't let anyone or anything let you think otherwise for a second.

      things will always get better. no matter what you think, no matter what the circumstance, things will always get better. these 79 years are everything you got. you don't know what comes after, so for these 79, be the most free and happy as you possibly can be. get rid of those things that haunt you, and support those who you love. those you lose want you to live life to the fullest and beyond.

      put more life in your 79 years than the average person would put in if they had three times that. because it is all you have. you want to spend it sitting there being unhappy over something that won't matter in just a few years? get over it and get over yourself. this is life. now go fucking live.

      and let me know if this helps you guys at all.