Is this Moral?

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    • Is this Moral?

      I am 14 and live in Australia, over here we don't have an R18+ rating, instead we have MA15+ (You have to be over fifteen). I really want this game- nothing too bad like GTA or anything, it's the new Assassin's creed. I have played all of them so far and even managed to get my 21 year old sister to buy a few for me. Now my sister has moved out of home, she can't buy the game for me and I'm afraid that if I fake being 15 that the people might ask for ID. My question is should I really want this game? I mean, I love playing past games in the series and I really enjoy it. But... My family is really religious. My mum is catholic and hates violent stuff, my dad doesn't really care but he still disapproves of violence so I tend to play these games when they're not in the room. I myself am very religious and I find myself asking "Do I really need this?" or "Is this what I really want". I just want advice from someone else out there, tell me- is it wrong to play violent games? Is it a sin? Will I be better off without this game? Or is it a natural feeling that most boys my age want to play these sorts of games?
    • Re: Is this Moral?

      It's not wrong to play viloent video games. That's like saying it's wrong to watch movies with violence in them.

      No it's not a sin.

      Who knows if you would be better off? It's just a video game. It's nothing too big. In your position, I would just wait untill you old enough. Or barrow it.

      A natural feeling? I guess.

      Look at it this way. I played GTA when I was 12. I still got good grades, I still knew right from wrong, I never did anything bad like steal or bully people. I turned out fine.

      It's not the video game that makes people kill. Or the movie, or the song. It's the people that listen to them obviously have something wrong with them. Or something happened to them. People just look for the scapegoat in videogames.

      Now, parent's should pay attention to what their kids play, watch and listen too and not bitch about how the game screwed up their angel when they need to take a look in the mirror and ask themselves "Did I really monitor what my child was exposed too?"
    • Re: Is this Moral?

      Personally, I find nothing wrong with violent video games. It's part of the world and society. Before there were war video games, our parents were out playing war in the backyard, actually hurting each other (My parents anyway). So it's not like it's just our generation.
      But that's not the real question is it? It's whether or not you feel right doing this. To me, it's not about the game and whether or not you should play it. I was playing those kinds of games when I was your age, and so is the rest of our generation, including you. The question is whether or not you should get the game regardless of your age.
      Personally, I think it's okay. I'd recommend getting a friend who is 15 to get it for you rather than lying about your age though. Breaking the law, not such a great thing. Though I'm assuming the worst they could do is turn you away, not like they're going to arrest you or anything like that. Either that, or wait until you're 15
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Is this Moral?

      Stepping aside from the issue of whether or not you should actually play the game, I've never been asked my age or for any identification when buying any game, and I'm sure I must've bought something which had an age limit on it.

      In short, I've never known an Australian store to give a second thought to age, provided I assume, you aren't ridiculously young (which you've said you are not).
      I'm never one to encourage someone to break the law, however in assisting you with your moral decision, perhaps bear in mind that the age on movies, tv shows and games is a general indication of the age when the content is likely to be suitable, an is very much a case of removing legal responsibility when people do stupid things and blame it on something they saw/played. If you're discerning enough to consider this a moral quandary, then chances are you're not so imbecilic as to take on board any negative influences from playing the game.
      [CENTER][COLOR="Green"]If you have nothing to say, say nothing.
    • Re: Is this Moral?

      It's not violence dude. It's little colored pixels on a screen. About a few million of them. Nothing more. It's not real. You're not condoning violence by playing it, and you're not sinning by buying it "underage" (which was defined by some dudes in a legislature, not God).
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]