met a girl, got her number, no reply

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    • met a girl, got her number, no reply

      Im new to this foruming thing lol.
      also can you excuse my terible spelling?? thanks ..

      Im an 18 year old guy who lives just west of london.
      on sat night I went to a party in essex. I only knew 2 people there (my 2 best mates)
      As soon as i walked in I noticed this gorgeous girl. we quickly got talking and seemed to connect really well. At around 12.30 she told me she had to leave as her parents were there to pick her up. She asked me to join her outside. I did so and we kissed ( a few times over lol) we cuddled and talked for a while longer. She seemed asthough she didnt wanna leave me. When she really had to leave I told her I would add her on facebook and she said "yeah please" with a smile. I then quickly asked her for her number, and she gave it to me.
      Here is the crap bit.
      I text her on sunday evning saying " Hi its ****** from the party lastnight. how are you? x" but still no reply (its monday night) i also added her on fb today and no exceptance..

      anyone have any ideas what i should do as i really wanna see her again??

      I added a couple of other people from the party, was gonna ask them to find out if she is interested???

      one more thing.... she did tell me she had never had a propper boyfriend. dunno if thats significant
      please help!?!?!:confused:
    • Re: met a girl, got her number, no reply

      meg.loomis wrote:

      Be patient. The ball is in her court now. If she's interested in even being friends, she'll accept/respond. If not, move on.

      Agree with this.

      And also maybe she is busy/doing other stuff since it is/was the weekend and not paying much attention to fb?
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ().

    • Re: met a girl, got her number, no reply

      Like Meg said, just be patient until she comes to you. You've made it clear that you want to keep in touch with her, but if she's not responding then if you keep trying to get in touch with her you're going to suffocate her, especially if she's not interested. Like Meg said, "the ball is in her court" so wait for her to pass the ball back to you.