Should I feel Threatend by a pet?

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    • Should I feel Threatend by a pet?

      My parents have gotten a pair of border terrier dogs as pets but because I am away most of the year at boarding school I hardly see my parents and they seem to be putting more love into those dogs then to me and I can honestly say I feel slightly threatened. Should I?:confused:
    • Re: Should I feel Threatend by a pet?

      No. Dogs require a lot of care and attention. Since you're not there for them to attend to, they're putting their focus otherwise. I'm sure when you come home they'll put their focus back on you again. I felt the same way when I was 6 and we got a puppy, I felt like they didn't love me anymore and our dog was replacing me. Your feelings are normal but you also have to put yourself in your parents position. They just went from having you, to not having you almost instantly. Odds are they're pretty bored and lonely.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: Should I feel Threatend by a pet?

      No man, you should definitely not feel threatened, as Linda had mentioned, pets are tremendous amount of work. Especially getting two at the same time! and if your parents haven't ever had pets before its even harder. But bottom line, you parents love you you and would do anything for you, so pick your head up :) And for example, today we come home from Christmas shopping and find that my dog somehow got into our pantry and had torn up 2 bags of flour.....and of course had to take it to the carpeted area first.... sooo i say that as an example of how hard it is to take care of animals. cheer up! Have a great night!
    • Re: Should I feel Threatend by a pet?

      Linda wrote:

      No. Dogs require a lot of care and attention. Since you're not there for them to attend to, they're putting their focus otherwise. I'm sure when you come home they'll put their focus back on you again. I felt the same way when I was 6 and we got a puppy, I felt like they didn't love me anymore and our dog was replacing me. Your feelings are normal but you also have to put yourself in your parents position. They just went from having you, to not having you almost instantly. Odds are they're pretty bored and lonely.

      I like you picture Linda.. <3

      I agree with Linda.. It's like me.. and the cats we have at our house.. My sister does a charity and my mum has to help.. and I do feel upset..

      But I know at the end of the day.. My mum and sister are doing a good job looking after ill/homeless cats

      Soo.. You have to think in the fact Its better for the dog to have much love and attention then being homeless..

      And believe it or not, they can be quite funny :)