Depression Anxiety, I need people to relate to.

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    • Depression Anxiety, I need people to relate to.

      I've never done this before; blogging and what not.
      I've just always wanted to talk to people who suffer with the same things. Everyone around me is so happy, everyone I know has perfect happy families and loving parents. They all have support that I wished I had.

      If you've ever thought about the ease of not living, and know what its like to feel like crap all the time please talk; I need some people to relate to because I feel so out of place.

      My Story.
      When I was seven my life was perfect, I was young, naive and had no responsibilites. My Dad was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and died two years later when I was nine. I'd never gotten along with my mum, Im a look alike of my father and we both had music as our passion. I dont relate to mum at all; she barley even knows me. My mums an alcoholic, shes drunk every night and verbally abuses me all the time.
      I moved houses after Dad died because he died in my bedroom, I didn't want those memories. I was bullied for having one mother who was an alcoholic. In highschool (Grade 9) I was bullied for being skinny, I'd have food thrown at me and people call me names accross the play ground. I changed schools and everything was so much better, I had new friends and we always went out together. Then within a year my cousin was murdered by his brother, my nan died, my granmda passed, my uncle died of lukemia, my friend died in a boating accident out the front of my house and my brother became a paraplegic.
      I had a lot to proccess in no time with a mum who never talks to me. My sister is always on mums side and they get along really well. I'm alone in the house all the time. Teen life has way too much pressure, I just always think about how much easier it would be if I just ended it hey. But I care to freaking much about people who don't even look at me.

      So.. shout out to me, tell me your story
    • Re: Depression Anxiety, I need people to relate to.

      well, I have never gone through what you have gone through. Everyone has a different story. Well ill start with the fact that my mother, 17 years ago, was a bad bad drug addict. When i was born i was barely 4lbs, pretty much what they call a "crack baby". Considering my mother had her tubes tied and burnt when i was conceived is pretty rare. I was suppose to have alcohol syndrome but luckily i grew out of it. I still to this day have never met my father, i have talked to him on the phone one time. once. and that's it. as soon as i was born i went to live with my grandparents who raised me until i was six. of course my mother was on the streets....constantly getting arrested for things i dont even want to name. her record is thicker than your history text joke. anyways i have a sister who was the years ahead of me. so here we are with my grandmother (my grandfather left her to move to where his mother lived to take care of her...hours away) anyways, here we are constantly having to move because my she really couldn't afford to keep us. eventually my sister and i were lucky enough to be adopted into a great family. of course my mother popped in and out of our lives saying that she really is clean this time etc etc., never changes. ever. But anyways i guess you told some of your story, i told some of mine. i know what its like to get the short end of the stick, but one thing you always have to be able to do is keep your head up no matter what. Trust me, its not always easy and i feel your pain with that. and i know what its like to care about people that dont care about you or even themselves. Be strong and true to yourself.....and always remember that you were made for a purpose, and you are completely unique. I feel that one of my purposes is to look back and help people that are going through what i have, because i know exactly how they feel. I think i have typed enough but if you ever need someone to talk to send me a message or one of the awesome support leaders. they actually know what they are talking about :) good luck!
    • Re: Depression Anxiety, I need people to relate to.

      god. That's bad both of you.

      When I was born.. My Dad was an alcoholic.. and dropped me down the stairs.. I never seen my dad since i was 14 and That's when I wanted to see him.. My mum told me.. That there was no point.. because he is just going to break my heart.. but she told this girl at ASDA that my mum knows very well.. This bird told my dad.. and he came to the house pissed as a fart.. I run upstairs.. because I was that scared....

      I don't see him now.. I will only here from him if Its my birthday or Christmas.. and Easter... and that's by card..

      I'am going to aussie soon.. and I want to see him before I go.. but i don't think i will..