Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

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    • Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      Personally, I'm sick of them constantly using the word between themselves and then freaking out when a white person uses it. If it's offensive, and you don't like it, then do not use it yourself. I am also sick of black people falling back on the "white people can't say that because it's what they called slaves." Like, really? Not a single person who says that has ever been a slave. Just because your great great great great grandfather picked cotton doesn't give you the right to tell me what I can and cannot say.

    • Re: Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      I don't think it even originated as an offensive term. It totally depends on the context, just like any other word.

      It's lame that they say it so freely while condemning others - I don't call Chinese people "chinks" or "coolies", but I rarely (if ever) hear them use those terms themselves, either.

      And TBH, if the word wasn't so widely and casually used by black people I can't imagine it would even be a common term anymore.
    • Re: Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      Scaredycrow wrote:

      I don't think it even originated as an offensive term. It totally depends on the context, just like any other word.

      It's lame that they say it so freely while condemning others - I don't call Chinese people "chinks" or "coolies", but I rarely (if ever) hear them use those terms themselves, either.

      And TBH, if the word wasn't so widely and casually used by black people I can't imagine it would even be a common term anymore.
      Exactly! If they'd stop using it, it would go away. It's ridiculous.

      Faithle$$ wrote:

      Black people have a sense of entitlement that really pisses me off. It's like if you offend them in anyway whatsoever, it's a race thing or you're out to get them.

      That being said, fuck niggers.
      I always laugh when they tell me they're offended. I just say "so the fuck what if you're offended. What does that even mean?"

      Saradactyl wrote:

      I think whether a word or not is offensive depends on the context.
      If I was to say something like "why aren't you picking my cotton, you stupid fucking shackle dragging nigger?" then sure, that could bother them. But I've been called out for saying "nigga please" in a joking manner. It's ridiculous.
    • Re: Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      Good Ass Rob wrote:

      If I was to say something like "why aren't you picking my cotton, you stupid fucking shackle dragging nigger?" then sure, that could bother them. But I've been called out for saying "nigga please" in a joking manner. It's ridiculous.

      Fuck. You are too fast. Quoted my drunken dyslexic post before I could edit it. But, yeah. I agree that I find it ridiculous to get offended by that use of the word.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      "I've never understood ethnic or national pride, because to me pride should be reserved for something you achieve or attain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth."
      - George Carlin

      Striker88;1062839033 wrote:

      You know why nobody has gotten evidence? God hasn't allowed that and won't.
    • Re: Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      Once I had a problem with that. In mexico there are not so many black people, so when I first visited the states (I was like 11), I turned around to my dad 'there are many black people here'. Of course in spanish but black is said negro (Hay muchos negros aquí pa). One of them started yelling at my dad because he thought I said nigger.

      I really don't understand why do they still get mad about that, I even laugh when I hear someone say 'beaner' to a mexican.
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Hold on to your kite =D[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      [ame=]Worst black guy in a japanese dub ever - YouTube[/ame]
      I give cam shows every now and then, but I MUST know you and be comfortable with you before I will do them for you! If interested, contact me and get to know me!
    • Re: Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      although I do agree that minorities in general are ignorant to hide behind the race card, they do have the right to use it among themselves. they share a common history of slaver and oppression. we do not share that common history, so we should not be entitled. this is not the issue i have with the race card. the issue i have with the race card is minorities assuming all white people are responsible for their problems, when really a privileged few are responsible. i have no lineage to imperial Britain or south Africa.

      at the end of the day, it is the individual, not the color, that abuses such things. not all black people rap, not all jews work at GS, not all native americans live in teepees. prejudice is a part of the human condition and will NEVER go away.
      [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Indigo"][CENTER]&&Do What Thou Wilt&&[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
    • Re: Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      My English teacher once had a talk with us about using that word. He told us that it was offensive. After a lengthy discussion and a couple of diagrams drawn on the board, we taught him that it was not, in fact, offensive at all. Now he uses it too.

      I don't think you should be offended. I say it all the time, to my white friends, to my black friends. My Chinese friend called me a "nigga" once. No big deal.

      And do you know how annoying it is to sing along to songs and have to censor out that word every five seconds?
      Fuck that, nigga. Just sing the song.
    • Re: Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      The word nigger was never meant to be offensive during the time when the word was first being used. It was just another way of saying Negro. In some books from waay back the word nigger was used in it (a kid from my school even brought the book that belonged to his grandpa that had the word in it)My English teacher last year was upset that people thought that it was offensive and was really mad that they censerored the word out in the modern day version of that book the student brought that she told the whole class to say nigger.
    • Re: Do black people have the right to be offended by the words nigger/nigga?

      I think its stupid... If its so offensive to them why do they call each other nigga... THE answer to this problem is if they don't like being called it they need to stop using it as well... & back in 8th grade this girl who was black hated me bc I was white and I enslaved her people....but I pointed it out that Me Myself have never owned a slave and neither did my father mother grandparents etc... so she needed to take the stick out of her ass & realize that she was being racist for no good reason She left me alone after that lol