Sex before dating? I need to make it up to her.

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    • Sex before dating? I need to make it up to her.

      Hey. I'm a 14 yo boy (freshman), this is my first post. Sorry its gonna be so long, i'd appreciate if you read it though. For the past couple of weeks i've been hanging out with this sophomore that likes me, and it got serious even though i didn't feel the same way about her, and now there are a whole lot of fucked up things i need to fix. I can't say i don't deserve it, but if you would give me your best advice i would appreciate it. So we would hang out, kiss (no tongue bc we weren't going out), and talk. I've had sexual intentions from the beginning, but i do have some feelings for her and i care about her, and i would never hurt her on purpose. Basically i'm not using her. So about 4 days ago we went after school to this "park" behind a normal park that is secluded, and that kids go to for sex, weed, and just hanging out, as there is privacy. We got to talking about heavy stuff like sex, and i proposed it to her, even though i hadn't asked her out. When she asked me why I didn't just ask her out, I told her (honestly) that i felt that i didn't like her enough to ask her out, and that if i did there would be an imbalance of emotions (or so i thought), and that we should just remain friends, but have a sexual friendship, in which i didn't fool with other girls. So basically a relationship without the title, which although she was upset at first, did not enrage her as i persuaded her to sort of agree. So i started massaging her and stuff, as i had never even touched her butt before (this was a big step, lol) and she started getting horny. She said she wanted to but couldn't bc we just weren't going out, which I understood. So then i invited her back two days later, only this time at night, so i assumed she understood my intentions. (This is two nights ago). This is where the problem begins. Everything is great, we're cuddling, blah blah blah, then i take her pants off (consentually ofc, she practically begged me to do it), and i fingered/ate her out. Right in the middle of it, her mom calls and tells her she's on her way to pick her up. So I was frustrated that I couldn't finish, and i acted irrationally and totally uncalled for. In the heat of the moment (as we were about to have to run 2 miles back to my house in 5 minutes) i asked her for a blowjob, and she obliged, and i tried to make it quick, but i didn't cum. So I didn't finish, and we started running home. I wasn't thinking with my correct head, and a ton of shit came out of my mouth thoat shouldn't have. In anger and pain from blue balls, I yelled obscenities (possibly at her, although they weren't directed towards her), told her that her vagina didn't taste great (WTF WAS I THINKING), refused to kiss her right before she left bc she had gone down on me, and other things i probably don't remember that were assholeish, or so she told me later. I also didn't look her in the eye while we were waiting for her parents, but that along with the no-kiss was rationally excused when i told her i didn't want to get another hard on. She got home and apparently started crying and told her best friend everything, and was angry at me over text. I called her and apologized, and told her i would make it up to her. Although she is sensitive, maybe she was overreacting as she suggested, but i still feel terrible. Since she's a girl, she probably is still really upset. Sorry i'm so obviously socially retarded, but i'm rational, not emotional. SO now i don't know how she feels about me, and I'm very scared and upset, and i feel guilty. I hope i haven't developed feelings for her, and that she hasn't lost them for me. How can i find out? I am planning to "make it up to her' in three days (the soonest she can come over) by inviting her back to the forest place and setting it with flowers, candles, chocolates, and a blankets or something? This is just my attempt at being empathetic, and I really need advice. Should i wait until thursday to talk to her? Will she lose feelings for me by then? Will her resentment only grow? At this point i am not focused on sex at all, just on winning her back. I want to do this the right way, but fast. Should i just talk to her tmm 1 on 1? What would i say? I want to prove I'm not like how i acted, and stuff. Maybe IM the one that's overreacting right now, but its better safe than sorry. I fucked up big, and i need to fix it now. If i do, and i end up having feelings (beyond guilt and sadness lol) for her, it would mean a great relationship, tons of sex, etc. What to do, oh wise forum goers? Thanks in advance. Oh, and asking her out probably isn't good right now, because i don't know if I like her. i need replies fast! :P
    • Re: Sex before dating? I need to make it up to her.

      Dude, you've got it all backwards.
      She wanted you to ask her out, and then earn your rewards, because that's how girls are: they like emotional stuff. Probably she felt uncomfortable with having sex with a guy who she wasn't going out with.
      Also, just a hint here, the sex will feel alot better if you've been going out for a period of time (I don't know why I'm telling you this, because I believe this sex-at-14-years-old-in-a-woodsy-suspicious-secluded-area stuff is silliness anyway).
      Tons of sex does not equal a good relationship.
      The best thing for you to do, in my opinion, is to stop being so materialistic, and try to watch people for a while, and try to become really smart and awesome. Then, return to her after you've added to your stores of wisdom (I'm not calling you retarded or socially backwards, just giving you some advice which has helped me).
      Sorry if I sounded like a bitch, lol.
      [CENTER]God invented logic.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by searchfgold6789 ().

    • Re: Sex before dating? I need to make it up to her.

      sorry to put it bluntly but you want the advice and opinions of what people think otherwise you wouldn't post here. Unfair is all I have to say. You're fourteen years old, wanting to shag a girl and then shouted personal things about her for something that wasn't her fault. How would you feel if somebody said or did that to you ? If anything you seem like a typical young lad wanting to get their leg over.

      Sorry but if I was in her position I wouldn't forgive you for your behaviour. It's normal for a lad to feel horny and it is annoying to stop a sexual encounter mid way when you are still in that zone, however I think you have blown your chances and handled it immaturely.

      I think maybe this is time for you to learn from this mistake and move on. I think that it will be best for you. It is obvious you feel bad and want to make it up to her. If she doesn't want to continue things with you, you will have to then accept it and best handle it in a mature way and civilly.

      At least you would have learnt a lesson and not to blow like how you did in that situation. Good luck with it all.
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Just a litte bit Goofy![/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Sex before dating? I need to make it up to her.

      Thank you both. you're both right, and i appreciate your blunt responses, which were exactly what I was looking for. I am just so ashamed of my pathetic impulsive immaturity, I want to apologize to her correctly. If she does still have feelings for me though, would ending it be the right thing to do right this second? I will of course end our (intimate) relationship, but i think i should still be friends with her, as opposed to what i have assumed from your responses. I really hope i grow from this, it wasn't like me (or at least what i think i am) at all; thanks for your advice. And as advice to anyone reading this thread, DONT do what I did xD
    • Re: Sex before dating? I need to make it up to her.

      Dude, if you just want casual sex, its best not to have casual sex with someone who has feelings for you. Have casual sex with someone who is also looking for casual sex.

      Unless of course you do have feelings for her, but your subconscious is putting blocks in the way because you're scared of commitment...

      But you need to talk to her, you need to tell her what was going through your mind, talk the whole situation out with her and come to a conclusion that you both are happy with. But if she wants a relationship with you and you want just sex, you should probably stop the sexual shizz...

      Just out of curiosity, if you dont have feelings for her, why do you hope she hasn't lost feelings for you? and why do you hope you havent gained feelings for her? Would it really be that bad being with her?
    • Re: Sex before dating? I need to make it up to her.

      I'm glad you have understood. Most guys don't listen and just carry on with their lives not regretting things like that. It's good that you have realised your mistakes and you can now move on and not do it again :)
      Its definitely good to end the intimacy with her. I would definitely apologise, say that you have learnt from what you had done, but what's done is done and that you can't turn back time. I don't know if being friends will work. It depends on what she thinks, but she should definitely have some respect for you if you apologised. I know I would if I was in that situation. :)
      Good luck with it. :)
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Just a litte bit Goofy![/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Sex before dating? I need to make it up to her.

      It's been 4 months since we started going out :o wow. I ended up apologizing to her, and asked her out about a week after this was posted, took her virginity the same day, and now everything has been growing great. It's funny looking back on this, cause now I might be the one with more feelings :p I'm extremely attached to her, and if you look at my recent post I don't get to see her enough. It's all just very ironic...