Trying to stay optimistic.

    • Trying to stay optimistic.

      Life sucks. I've had a really tough time. I can't achieve my goals. I've tried hard, and don't have it in me. Shitty things have been happening to me for no reason.

      I just really want something good to happen for once.

      Yeah, yeah make it happen, tried that, still trying, always trying. It's always one step forward and 2 steps back.

      The only difference now is I stopped complaining, and wallowing in my own pitty.

      Now things suck, and I'm working my ass off to make things better, but I feel like I'm just getting pulled back in.

      I am not happy with who I am. I am full of self hate and envy of other people. I convince myself every girl is too good for me, and I can't stand who I see in the mirror.

      I try my best to talk more, and be less shy, and that's incredibly hard.

      Something good needs to happen, to make me keep going. I deserve it, I'm a good kid, who goes through alot of shit for no reason.