I'm scared! Help? :'c

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    • I'm scared! Help? :'c

      So here is the story. For some reason I have been thinking alot about killing people or murder in general. I look at some one who gets me mad and I just have these dark fantasies! I sorta want to go to to see a therapist but I'm scared there gunna find tht sumthing is horribly wrong. I already have moderate to severe depression. The bullying I get is what fuels tht and my new problem. I actually started cutting a lil. Any thoughts? Suggestions? Anyone ever feel the same?
    • Re: I'm scared! Help? :'c

      Talking is a good way for things like that.
      And I think everyone has been that mad at someone else, I saw you said you get bullied? well I think it's a bit normal that your so mad about it.
      Also don't cut, don't even start it trust me it doesn't do any good.

      Talking is a good thing to do about anything.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: I'm scared! Help? :'c

      Try to look someone that who could listen you and you can share something.
      Either your parents or your friends. Conversation is very important and keep open
      because emotional problems can not be easily takes away unless you talk
      someone or share your ______
    • Re: I'm scared! Help? :'c

      Hi there -

      First off, well done for taking the first step and reaching out for help. That's the hardest step to take and you've taken it. It's normal for people to experience things like this, so try not to worry.

      Reaching out to a therapist can be frightening. Remember, though, that they're there to help you. In addition, keep in mind that there are many people who seek help from a therapist - even though you may not even realize it!

      Talking to somebody about the way you're feeling can be tough, especially during the first few times. Try to relax and talk to someone that you feel comfortable talking to. Doing so will make the process a lot easier.

      Furthermore, I'd strongly advise against cutting. It can really cause problems for you and you don't want that. There are many people in your life would be very hurt and upset if something ever happened to you. There are many other ways to cope that don't include self-injury. It's not worth it.

      I really hope that everything works out for you. Remember that you're not alone and can always reach out to one of us for help as well! :)