sexual relationship help.

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    • sexual relationship help.

      okay guys so i recently found out my girlffriend is NOT a virgin. and i am. my friend asked her how big her ex's dick was just too piss me off. she said he had a 8" dick. now when i heard this i felt like my relationship changed. i have a smaller dick than him. (no need to tease or hate on me im already dealing with enough shit) we have already talked about sex. and i feel that if we do have sex she will be disappointed in me. or let down. and i am extremely emberassed. i honestly dont know what to do :(
    • Re: sexual relationship help.

      Then don't have sex with her and break up with her as soon as possible.
      Is that what you wanted to hear? Or would you want to hear once again how penis size isn't important and how she isn't dating your dick but you and how woman's pleasure isn't really connected with your penis size? Maybe you'll be disappointed but it's not even connected with your penis. Use other organs if you can't make her orgasm by vaginal penetration.
    • Re: sexual relationship help.

      it doesnt even matter bro, who gives a shit, its about the motion of the ocean not the size of the ship.

      If she honestly has a problem with your penis size then dump her and find somebody else, because she isnt worth another second of your time.

      Being a virgin doesnt matter, just tell her and ask her to guide you through if she has experience
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: sexual relationship help.

      pffff yeah, also along with your technique and shit you're definitely going into it with the right attitude.

      For example, I'm not going to brag or anything but i've done some pretty badass shit in my life, and I'm not a badass at all, and i think everyone has those moments at some point you know, skinny nerds who knock out 180 pounders in high school, you ace a test you never studied for... you get the idea. At least for me though when that kind of shit happened I was never beating myself up about how i couldn't do it or do it right or whatever. So the moral of the story is you just have to do your thing, even if you suck in bed anyone who takes someones virginity and expects them to be a god is just being a silly bitch. If you want to do it, nike, just do it.
