my huge lesbian crush :) everything about it i need advice :D

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    • my huge lesbian crush :) everything about it i need advice :D

      she told me she was bisexual for a year once...
      a beautiful girl who may or may not be bisexual is now my biggest crush ever! I declared myself lesbian but I occasionally go out with guys so people don't think i am so pretty much im in the closet. it all started in 8th grade when i switched classess 3 weeks in the trimester when i switched classes it changed my WHOLE schedule so i saw her between every single class and was in 5 classes together. at first i didn't really acknowledge her existence until in 3 classes we sat arms length of eachother and i started wondering about her. she never talked, wore baggy sweatpants or shorts with vans everyday, and just had a mysterious presence to herself. her eyes always seemed to change color, when i looked at her sideways they looked brown, close up ; green and far away blue. my crush started developing on this mysterious, but pretty girl. being the shy person i am instead of talking to her in person i went on her facebook that had no posts since 7 months ago and found her number and started texting her. with my dumbass i first told her i was a girl and i liked her and asked if she was gay and she said no. then i started texting her more just about school until she started asking all of these questions like "what's your favorite bands" we ended up having a lot in common. but then, me being all excited that we had lots in common, i asked why she looked mad sometimes during school. and she said she hated all her teachers (we have the same teachers) and that her math class was annoying (same advanced math class). then i agreed. she stopped replying and my obnoxious friend noah texted asking if she knew who i was and she responded with my initials. then she texted me and told me she knew who i was and i apologized for being ignorant and creepy but she said she understood and we started talking about our dogs. :P the next day during school i sat with my head down out of embarrassment but realized i was the only one making this all hard. so the next few days i acted like i normally did but of course i kept flushing whenever i looked at her or when she looked at me. (before we texted we stared at eachother a lot like she would catch me staring sometimes and i would catch her staring). a field trip for one of our classes was coming up, we were going to an auto show. after observing her for a while, i realized she didn't have friends in any of our classes and only had a few friends outside of class. so the day before the field trip she asked me if i was going on the field trip and i said yes. and she knew i was hanging out with two of my guy friends so she asked if she could hang out with us at the field trip. i was so ecstatic i said yes and was extremely happy with myself until i realized that i wouldn't be able to talk to her without almost passing out. when we were in science class one day and our eyes met, i tripped and fell and i started sweating (lame right XD). so when we got off the bus at the field trip place she wandered over to my group i was with a bunch of friends and the people i was going to walk with. so eventually the bunch of friends broke off into the small groups and went exploring and she came with me and my two guy friends. it went great. we got a few inside jokes in and we ran around and got in cars cranked the radio and ran away fun stuff like that. when i went home that day i found she texted my phone saying hey and i said hey and asked if she had any bands i should check out. she told me some screamo bands (when she told me it was orgasmic XD) and that her obsession was paramore just like me. so we texted a bit and if i remember she said once she wanted to hang out with me:DD and awkwardly sat next to eachother in class until one day we were sharing out free writing stories for english and she didn't have a group so i invited her to mine, her story she did the night before and it was about a pencil so we exhanged laughs and she engaged a little bit into our groups conversation. and during math that same day while it was our free time cause our teacher always finishes her lesson early she talked to me and the guy i always talk to. this happened today that i wrote this out this girl is really observant, she told me she remembered seeing me at her orthodontist place once before we even met so im pretty sure the slightest mistake i make she will keep together. she is really smart and i think its really weird she still wants to be friends with me after knowing that i like her. I've had a lot of boyfriends and crushes and I've felt stronger emotions liking her rather than kissing my boyfriends. i don't know what to do, im shy and nervous and over analytical about everything. that's my story. any advice?