PLEASE HELP My "best friend" is not "comfortable" with me

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    • PLEASE HELP My "best friend" is not "comfortable" with me

      Hi. This is really important to me, so please give me any advice you have.

      I'm a 15 year old girl and my best friend is a 15 year old guy. Let's call him Steve. Steve and I met in grade 9 and are in grade 10 now. We have lunch everyday and talk by text often. He is openly gay and we have suppoted each other through our ups and downs.

      About 3 months ago he tells me over text that he is not comfortable being in groups of two, even with me. It broke my heart. He is comfortable with other people, but not with me. We dont see eacch other outside of school and he makes me feel pointless to him because he is not comfortable with me. It hurts so badly. Whenever I try to bring it up with him (over text), he gets angry at me saying that he's already explained that I should not be taking this personally.

      I have no idea how to feel, how to deal with this. I don't see a point to our friendship if he doesn't feel the same way I do with him. It hurts so, so much and he doesn't understand. Please, please someone help.
    • Re: PLEASE HELP My "best friend" is not "comfortable" with me

      I know how that feels. Try not to show him that it really bothers you and just find something to keep yourself busy and eventually he'll come around and tell you the "real" reason. A true friend would .

      ---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------
    • Re: PLEASE HELP My "best friend" is not "comfortable" with me

      That sounds like a personal problem, but...

      If you really want an almighty enlightening answer take this:

      Honesty, it builds relationships, it builds trust. You might find it useful in your predicament.
    • Re: PLEASE HELP My "best friend" is not "comfortable" with me

      Its probably best that you give him some space... there's a lot going on with him not just emotionally but physically as well and maybe his hormones are a little crazy plus the pressure of being openly gay. It might be weighing on him.

      Eitherway, its not you. Its him. But if you care about him, give him some space. Tell him he means the world to you, that you'll always be there for him if he ever needs you and then leave him alone. Somethings going on that he's not comfortable telling you about.

      Give each other a break. 15 is a hard age.
      "Nothing ruins the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love" - Charlie Brown