One good reason sex in highschool is a BAD idea for a girl...

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    • One good reason sex in highschool is a BAD idea for a girl...

      So your parents tell you to abstain maybe for biblical reasons.. planned parenthood tells you to abstain as a birth control reason... but then cosmopolitan magazine gives you the list of "10 different ways to seduce your man"... yada yada yada. But really, whats a good reason to abstain. Well I could go on forever... but here is one point you can raise for discussion as to why you should abstain in high school.

      Sex in highschool is just a BAD idea for a girl. The guys suck in bed and will continue to "miss the mark" until they're in their mid to late twenties. All men will suck in bed if you dont have confidence and will probably tell about all your intimate moments when you guys break up. In high school, that can feel like the end of the world because everything is so contained and it feels like everything lasts forever. So basically, the odds of you being EXTREMELY disappointed are huge. Don't do it... trust this 25 year old woman.... WAIT!! Seriously, do you really want to waste your time on a boy? Give it time, because you'll meet a real man later and you wont think you missed out at all.

      Until then, find a way to get a small innocuous vibrator.... it'll give you far more pleasure and help with raging the hormones

      What are some reasons you agree... disagree?
    • Re: One good reason sex in highschool is a BAD idea for a girl...

      I definitely agree. For that reason, and other moral reasons. For instance, sex should be a very intimate thing that you and your spouse do, so doing it with a high school kid that will probably not be your husband makes it much less special for the future husband. Just my opinions, I'm sure other people may disagree.
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    • Re: One good reason sex in highschool is a BAD idea for a girl...

      1. When you meet that special someone whose willing to spend their life with you, you instantly regret every partner before him

      2. Every time you sleep with a guy that does NOT end up being "the one" you lose a part of yourself - mainly a piece of your confidence and dignity. I think God understood this when he talks about saving sex for marriage... he does not want you to lose yourself into your sexuality.

      3. Its a slippery slope. The more you partners you tend to have, the easier it becomes to make that mistake.

      4. Giving it up easily always looks bad but mainly, it shows you dont have a lot of confidence. Learn to love yourself before you offer up your body to the lowest bidder.