My boyfriend... -.-

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    • My boyfriend... -.-

      My boyfriend is really sweet.. and then he just turns into this annoying, ignorant person that i just want to not talk to.
      Ill be talking and he'll just cut in and say what he has too then think its alright for him to do it, then ask me what i was saying.. and im stubborn and if i get ignored once i wont repeat myself again! Hes just really starting to get on my nerves with it now, i cant help the way i am when im annoyed.. i just keep ignoring him but then he gets upset and then i feel bad for ignoring him but then as soon as we've both said sorry and things are alright and then he'll just start going on wiith himself.. and when he starts talking he just wont shut up and let anyone else talk!

    • Re: My boyfriend... -.-

      If you two were friends before this close relationship then you could have observed this trait before you got into the relationship. What I am trying to say is the problem is you didn't get to know him before you started going out with him. A friendship before dating is the best way to ensure the least pain and provide a longer and stronger close relationship.
    • Re: My boyfriend... -.-

      Next time he does it, tell him in a polite but warning manner that you have noticed him butting in alot. And you would appreciate him not doing it . you listen what he has to say so he should have the same decency to do the same for you. If he ignores you or gets really annoyed and mad, he obviously isn't worth it in the long run of being his friend. At that point you may want to rethink your friendship with him.
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.