So confused :( Help me please!

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    • So confused :( Help me please!

      Right so I go to an all girls school, yet recently they have started letting boys join in our sixth form years. Recently a lot of boys joined my year group in lower sixth. There is this one boy who I was in town with after school on the first day because my best friend was very close to him but just as friends.

      A few months ago, this same boy approached me and asked for help with his maths homework. We had hardly ever spoke before. Obviously I was kind enough to say yes. I helped him and then when I was walking down the corridor, he spoke to our mutual friend from the start of the year and told her 'your dark haired friend is pretty.' My friend attempted to guess who he was talking about and then she said my name and he said yes her.

      He added me on facebook and we spoke a little, but just basically him thanking me for helping him with maths and such. Then our mutual friend stopped me in the corridor and told me what he said to her. I just found this rather cute but nothing else and carried on to class. He was one of those boys who appeared to be a player in a way. Then one night my friend told him on my facebook chat when I was on the phone that I think hes really cute, which was true, to what he replied with 'awk jessica ;)'. We spoke for a while just in general. The following day in school he smiled at me in the corridor. This continued for a while and my friends started teasing us. He then said to me on facebook that he's shy. I told him I was shy too but we started saying Hi to eachother. Eventually this developed to a long conversation between me and him when we were on a free period together, just me and him in a room, our friends in the next room with the door closed. He admitted calling me pretty and added that he thought I was 'gorgeous and sexy' as well.

      Well I took this as flirting and for the next month he kept flirting with me and telling me he was really glad we had began to speak, we were speaking day and night constantly talking on facebook and he asked for my number so we text each other as well. He eventually said in a joking manner when he was rather drunk that he loves me. I knew he was drunk and just laughed it off. But then he said it in the conversation the next day and the following and so on. He kept sending me cute songs from youtube about relationships and everything.

      Then a few days ago my friend wrote a status on facebook saying 'I hate when people should be in a relationship but wont do anything about it.' and she tagged us both. He brought this to my attention and said 'don't worry about it :P'. But then yesterday he text me saying 'I only wanted to be friends like thought you knew that aswell. Im sorry if I've confused you and stuff.' Now I know people were annoying him by talking about us talking but everyone had told me he liked me. He would always smile and had began to talk about us going walks together outside of school and then dropped a bombshell like that.

      I have no idea what to do :( Do you reckon I should just try and be friends with him, or is he not worth it? I still really like him and don't understand. I know the friendship won't be the same as before. I always saw him in school everyday and today he was nowhere to be seen but he said he would still be the same boy I knew before. Sorry this was so long but it is rather confusing and I wanted to give as many details as possible :(

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JessicaL2012 ().

    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      He punked out. When a guy likes a girl we either take it real slow or jump right in. Your friend took it slow. When you are in highschool (I'm just guessing you're in highschool) friends will bug you about it a lot if y'all are clearly into each other but no one makes a move. That's what happened and he just got punked out. He still likes you I can promise you that. 89% of guys (I'm one of them) want the girls to make the first move. Just go for it. I wish y'all the best.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Heated2013 ().

    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      Your guy saying he "only wanted to be friends" is a lie. He was into you, maybe he changed his mind, but at one point he wanted to be more than friends. (He probably still does.)

      You have two options, if you want to try to reconnect with him more than friends:

      Option #1: Confront him alone, and say forcefully, "What is going on with you? Since when are we just friends?" He may act cold toward you. Stay strong and be prepared for that. If he acts cold, then freeze him right back, and then every time you see him. Guys like a challenge, give him one.

      Option #2 Be friendly but coldly aloof. He wants to be friends, fine, you can be "friends." Just make sure he sees you laughing and having a good time with other guy friends. Hope he doesn't mind.

      Whatever you do, don't throw yourself at him crying and begging. Guys hate that.

      Usually when a guy blows off a girl they come back around wanting to reconnect. I don't know why, but it's like clockwork. The time frame for guys in my life has been 3 - 6 months. It might be faster in your age group. (What I mean is that you won't hear a thing from him, NOTHING. And then one day a cutsie little text from him, "What are you doing?")
      Author of the love and relationship advice blog Staked in the Heart
    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      Yeah I would be a sophomore in high school. I got told earlier he was talking to all his friends about me earlier by one of his closest friends. He said he felt really bad. I'm too nervous to try anything now because I don't like rejection.

      The thing was I told him all these secrets because I really trusted him and one of them was about how I have very little trust for boys these days because of past relationships and he told me the one thing he never wants to ever do is hurt me. And that's exactly what he did. We break up for Easter Break in 2 days so I will see if anything happens in school and if he doesn't come near me I will phone him :) Thank you.

      ---------- Post added at 10:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 PM ----------

      Carolina Courtland wrote:

      Your guy saying he "only wanted to be friends" is a lie. He was into you, maybe he changed his mind, but at one point he wanted to be more than friends. (He probably still does.)

      You have two options, if you want to try to reconnect with him more than friends:

      Option #1: Confront him alone, and say forcefully, "What is going on with you? Since when are we just friends?" He may act cold toward you. Stay strong and be prepared for that. If he acts cold, then freeze him right back, and then every time you see him. Guys like a challenge, give him one.

      Option #2 Be friendly but coldly aloof. He wants to be friends, fine, you can be "friends." Just make sure he sees you laughing and having a good time with other guy friends. Hope he doesn't mind.

      Whatever you do, don't throw yourself at him crying and begging. Guys hate that.

      Usually when a guy blows off a girl they come back around wanting to reconnect. I don't know why, but it's like clockwork. The time frame for guys in my life has been 3 - 6 months. It might be faster in your age group. (What I mean is that you won't hear a thing from him, NOTHING. And then one day a cutsie little text from him, "What are you doing?")

      Over Easter I could ignore him and try and focus on going out more and then see if he gets in contact with me? We were meant to go out during Easter break (I live in the UK) but I don't know whether that will happen now. He text me earlier saying 'whats up' and gave me kisses at the end and I said 'Sorry I'm busy babysitting' and gave no kisses back and he sent me a sad face which I ignored. He feels so bad, and that's making me feel bad, but I really like him and he's hurting me and my friends say he deserves it.
    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      No one likes rejection. It sucks.

      When you call him to ask him what is going on, be prepared to be rejected.:( He does seem confused. He might be very cold and when he answers, he'll be like, "....Oh....hi" and not sound enthusiastic that it's you calling.

      Guys like a challenge. They like a fiesty girl. Fight for yourself and the right to be treated decently. If he doesn't respond to you in nice way, tell him to eff off and hang up on him, hopefully in mid-sentence. Then blow him off.

      It's good to get the practice in now. There will be plenty of times in your life when you will have to fight for the relationship with a guy. Guys are idiots. They don't know what they want.

      I just read your latest post. Wow. He is really sending you mixed messages. You need to confront him about it. Ask him what the hell is going on.

      Oh, and good move ignoring his texts. He deserves it.
      Author of the love and relationship advice blog Staked in the Heart

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Carolina Courtland ().

    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      Carolina Courtland wrote:

      Whatever you do, don't throw yourself at him crying and begging. Guys hate that.

      Bullshit. Lol. If a girl came crying to me I'd just hug her and, if I liked her, take her back in a heartbeat. Oh and don't ignore his texts. You do that, he won't want you more, he'll move on eventually. Another girl will step in, comfort him, and claim him as her own. This is coming from a junior in highschool. Trust me darlin

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Heated2013 ().

    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      How old are you?

      The reason I'm asking is because adult men DO NOT LIKE THAT.

      The key words you said were, "If I liked her" . The problem for most guys, regardless of their age, is that they are not tuned into their own feelings.

      That means if a girl throws herself at a guy and he isn't sure how he feels, it will turn him right off.

      There's no need for a girl to humiliate herself like that. She can just ask the guy how he feels, or simply give him space and wait for him to come around (if he really likes her.)

      Why would we trust you? How many guys have you gotten, darlin?
      Author of the love and relationship advice blog Staked in the Heart

      The post was edited 6 times, last by Carolina Courtland ().

    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      My ex boyfriend cheated on me with who I used to think was my best mate. And the boy I like called him scum and other words not really appropriate for on here. He said to me he wouldn't touch him though. The boy I like also smokes and when he found out I hated people who smoke (no offence to anyone) he said he was thinking of quitting?
    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      Yeah. You're sixteen, Heated. I rest my case. (And I don't think you're an a**hole :))

      And this isn't about Jessica losing him. It's about him losing her. He needs to stop sending mixed signals, and act like a proper boyfriend. It's obvious that he has more than friendship feelings for her, but he's confused.
      Author of the love and relationship advice blog Staked in the Heart
    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      Carolina Courtland wrote:

      Yeah. You're sixteen, Heated. I rest my case. (And I don't think you're an a**hole :))

      And this isn't about Jessica losing him. It's about him losing her. He needs to stop sending mixed signals, and act like a proper boyfriend. It's obvious that he has more than friendship feelings for her, but he's confused.

      Thank you Carolina :)
    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      Oh so your ex cheated on you? Well dang girl let the man kick his a** all over the place! I know I'd want to! And that's good you don't like smokers. Those cancer sticks are nothing but trouble, and if he's willing to stop for you, THAT'S YOUR SIGNAL! It's obvious he likes you of he'll quit something as hard as smoking
      And Carolina, Jessica is also confused. Just look at the topic xP and technically he's not her boyfriend...yet. But a guy just won't "stop sending mixed signals". He needs to know the girl is interested just as much as he is.
    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      Heated2013 wrote:

      Oh so your ex cheated on you? Well dang girl let the man kick his a** all over the place! I know I'd want to! And that's good you don't like smokers. Those cancer sticks are nothing but trouble, and if he's willing to stop for you, THAT'S YOUR SIGNAL! It's obvious he likes you of he'll quit something as hard as smoking
      And Carolina, Jessica is also confused. Just look at the topic xP and technically he's not her boyfriend...yet. But a guy just won't "stop sending mixed signals". He needs to know the girl is interested just as much as he is.

      Yeah. See he knows I wouldn't kiss a smoker. He knows I like him as when we said about just being friends i didn't reply straight away and then he asked me and I straight up said yeah, that's why I'm confused as to why he's sending mixed signals :(
    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      Heated2013 wrote:

      Can you post some signals he sends you?

      He sent me a text earlier with a sad face when I didn't return his kisses in a text and refused to enter a conversation with him. Just there now he text me saying 'Goodnight. I will give you time xxx'. I went onto facebook and he was on and he started to type to me and then erased it and didn't write anything. I went on appear offline and he text my friend saying 'Does she hate me?' Oh and I forgot to say, he was thinking of moving schools next year and I'd told him I would have missed him, this was about a week ago, and he told me he would stay just for me. He also doesn't send kisses to any of his other friends that I know?
    • Re: So confused :( Help me please!

      ...and you still think those are "mixed signals?" Jesus Christ lady that's almost as obvious as it gets! Haha, start talking to him! You're killing me! xP And he's probably at his room right now thinking of ways he can possibly make it more obvious. He's gonna have a hard time because it doesn't get much more obvious than that unless he says "I love you" and gives you a big ol' wet one on the lips!