How do I get my ex boyfriend back? Help Please..

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    • Re: How do I get my ex boyfriend back? Help Please..

      I think you should talk to him about what his feelings now are for you and if there really are feelings for some other girl.
      If he really doesnt have any feelings for you anymore, im sorry but then i think you should move on.
      Just try to talk with him about it, tell him you still want a relationship with him and want to know how hes feeling about you and if he would want to get back into that relationship.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ().

    • Re: How do I get my ex boyfriend back? Help Please..

      Oh... *gives you cookies*

      Okay so that may be the nicest part of this post because I want to help, but I don't want to sugar code it.

      I'll Start with my background:

      I dated a boy for two years. We were very much in love but in the last three months of the relationship things started to change until all hell broke lose and he broke up with me. All I could think about was wanting him back, how he was my only, my love, but no matter how much I begged and pleaded he just wouldn't take me back.It has been almost six months sense the break up and I can honestly say letting go of him was the best thing I could possibly do for me.

      I know you hurt right now, everything feels dark and like nothing will ever get better again, but trust me it will, AND there are many other people out there(not to mention once you get the hang of being single it's a lot of fun).

      You see, while you are in a relationship, your body creates endorphins, like a reward for fulfilling the first step into procreating. As the relationship goes on your body becomes used to getting a certain "fix" of endorphins. When a relationship ends, the endorphins stop and your body will go through withdrawals, which causes depression(this is why most people try to get back with their ex or they rebound to someone else). Getting passed the withdrawals takes a lot of work and cutting yourself away from your ex, but once you get going you do start to get better, you really do.

      I hope that helped a little.
    • Re: How do I get my ex boyfriend back? Help Please..

      Wow, Icesar, good answer.

      Katie, sometimes you can't get a guy back.

      HOWEVER, if you have a chance of getting him back, the best thing to do is to NOT contact him at all. No text, no message through third parties, no going to where you know he's going to be, etc. Let him miss you. Give him space.

      Relationships with men can be like a rubber band, they pull away, come back, pull away. When they pull away, NEVER chase.

      In the meantime, find interests, hobbies, anything to take your mind off him.
      Author of the love and relationship advice blog Staked in the Heart
    • Re: How do I get my ex boyfriend back? Help Please..

      ^I believe they have this covered, however, I feel obliged to add my two cents in anyway.

      Long distance relationships aren't always going to be at their strongest, obviously more so to the fact that you can't physically be in their company as you would normally. Perhaps he's found that he has taken a liking to another girl who is easier to see, and therefore sees it as a more possible relationship in comparison to a long distance with you. Honestly, just talk it out to him, but don't go into the teary, begging mode as it's not all civilised. I've only had a long distance relationship once before and that was an on-off thing for over two years, but we both talked about it and agreed it wasn't the sort of relationship we wanted. And yes, I really loved him, probably still do, but I really can't do a long distance, I got fed up, so maybe your ex had similar feelings. There's only one person who can answer your questions, so talk to him.
    • Re: How do I get my ex boyfriend back? Help Please..

      If You should get back with an ex boyfriend who is dedicated. One good quality of a great human being is that they have a solid drive, dedication and desire to be successful. They are driven by a major goal - start a business, make more income, complete his studies, progress up in the company, etc. Do not get back with an ex boyfriend who is not committed and respectable.