lonely and depressed

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    • lonely and depressed

      when my classmates and friends are going on dates with their boyfriends and all excited for valentines day and such its so depressing and frustrating. No guys like me . ill be entering college this year approaching and 18 as well , is it not abnormal to have never been kissed ,out on a date ,or even told that u were found attractive by the opposite sex? I wonder if I must be ugly or too fat because my whole life I've been the girl who watches the guys she liked flirt with other girls and while everyone else is beginning to learn about the dynamics of a relationship and are experiencing their first of various loves to come I haven't even been on a date . maybe I am unattractive perhaps . But u be the judge and search Kiskoblue at live dot com in fb to see my pic keeping that in mind when responding
    • Re: lonely and depressed

      meg.loomis wrote:

      Can't be bothered to look you up, but somehow I doubt it's your looks or weight that are the problem, it's your confidence. You think you're unattractive, so you are unattractive to them.

      I never used to think about my looks much but things have changed , haven't u wondered weither u were attractive or not? ever since I had talked to this guy that I had a crush on that deleted me and never spoke to me again my minds been fucked up for like a year . sounds ridiculous I know . it was like a 3 year crush but I never even spoke to him until summer last year but anywho .
    • Re: lonely and depressed

      Eh, when I was younger I was kind of an ugly duckling... So I was always really unconfident. No guys were ever interested. Then I grew up (I know, you're already "grown up") and matured, and (I hate to sound vain) I'm not exactly that ugly duckling. I'm good-looking and I know it, my confidence has definitely increased, and funny enough, I've got more guys interested in me. So take what you will from my experience— if you focus on your positives instead of your negatives (ie I've got pretty eyes and a straight smile, so I play them up, instead of always going "oh.. I hate my complexion", etc), you'll be more confident and people will notice. If you're not happy with something, do something about it.
    • Re: lonely and depressed

      meg.loomis wrote:

      Cool story bro, but that has absolutely NOTHING to do with this girl's question.

      ? yes it does my query was going to expand into a conversation had she responded.
      and my "cool story" was illustrating that not everybody kisses,somthing she was clearly worried about.

      and we dont kiss because we respect hygene... kissing transfers 2,000,000,000,000 (two billion) germs per second
    • Re: lonely and depressed

      Sorry, I just didn't catch the connection. I just read it as you bragging about your girlfriend. My bad!

      ---------- Post added at 11:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 PM ----------

      And hahaha I've heard of taking it slow... But two years and never kissed? Sorry but that's a best friend not a relationship. There are plenty more things that transfer bacteria.
    • Re: lonely and depressed

      there have only been 2 girls i have ever liked, the first time i saw them i did not even acknowledge them since i did not find them attractive one bit. As i started to get to know them i fell in love with their personality and eventually saw them as the most beautiful girls in my life .

      don't fear putting yourself out there, interact as much as you can with people and build up your confidence. And if you don't like what you see in the mirror, change it.

      A few years back, i didn't find myself very attractive and i wasn't that guy the girls would look at.

      its been 2 years, i have my own car, a job, ive been going to the gym, even though i am not that tall 5"8 i have the ability to build muscle very quickly as apposed to my friends.

      i have also changed the way i dress, no more baggy clothes, all nice tight muscle shirts that show my hard work.

      and now when i walk around, i notice i get quite a few girls checking me out. Yet i still dont fully understand how women work. thats something im working on lolol

      but hey, thats what works for me, find your best attribute (dont tell me u dont have one because we all do) do what you can to make it stand out, fix what you dont like about yourself to the best of your abilities and i guarantee you will notice a huge difference in your life
      Not a jealous man, but females lie, But I guess that's just what you do, How could it ever be just us two?
      Never loved you enough to trust you...