Never been kissed.

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    • Never been kissed.

      All I hear about from my friends are their relationships. It's all about who kissed who, who loves who. Who wants who. It's sad because I'm 16 years old and a sophomore in high school. Next year I'll be a junior. I've never been kissed, or had a boyfriend or had someone I could flirt with. I feel so uncomfortable when my friends talk about loosing their virginity and I still haven't even had a romantic relationship. I feel like something is missing and alone, but I don't feel desirable at all. Everyone overlooks me for my pretty (somewhat slutty) friends and it hurts. I don't feel pretty at all.

      I mean I don't know what companionship feels like. It's weird hearing all the stories. Am I weird for being the only virgin in my group of friends? Is it weird I've never been kissed? Should I give up or what should I do?

      Thanks for listening to me guys....
    • Re: Never been kissed.

      Don't give up! As cliched as it sounds, you'll find someone. There's nothing wrong with you; you're obviously not one of those girls who throws herself at the first thing with a pulse and a penis. And that's a good thing! Just be true to you. :)

      (this sounds incredibly After School Special, I know, but it's true.)
    • Re: Never been kissed.

      catalyst. wrote:

      Don't give up! As cliched as it sounds, you'll find someone. There's nothing wrong with you; you're obviously not one of those girls who throws herself at the first thing with a pulse and a penis. And that's a good thing! Just be true to you. :)

      (this sounds incredibly After School Special, I know, but it's true.)

      Yup exactly that! Don't be ashamed or anything by it, If I'm honest I don't like girls who just throw there selfs at anything :) you will find someone who will see you for what you are :)

      Hope this helped
    • Re: Never been kissed.

      Wait. wait until your completely sure about who you want to kiss, have sex with, and date. dont Just do it because your friends are doing it, make sure you are ready. After you get your first kiss, it wont be that big of a deal anymore. But when it comes to sex, dont feel akward that you are still a virgin. Trust me. Make sure you are COMPLETELY ready before you have sex, and make sure its with someone you really want to do it with. Don't let your friends pressure you into something you just simply aren't ready for or just dont want to do. you will be much happier if you just ignore what they say and trust your gut. hope this helped!
    • Re: Never been kissed.

      Just a few big points I want to hit:
      1) your friends should not be losing virginity until much later in life, like marriage
      2) you are doing this the smart way: not just jumping to the first person that comes your way
      3) you will find someone perfect eventually; just wait
      4) if you really want to date someone, find someone respectable and just be a little more outgoing to them. Still show who you are, but become friends with them, then treat your friendship more seriously. *hint* small, private places work well for seeing the romantic side in each other.

      Good Luck !!!!! :D PM me if you want
      [COLOR="Green"]Offer help, and others will offer it to you.[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="DarkOrange"]You get what you deserve.[/COLOR]
    • Re: Never been kissed.

      Nickb426 wrote:

      Just a few big points I want to hit:
      1) your friends should not be losing virginity until much later in life, like marriage
      2) you are doing this the smart way: not just jumping to the first person that comes your way
      3) you will find someone perfect eventually; just wait
      4) if you really want to date someone, find someone respectable and just be a little more outgoing to them. Still show who you are, but become friends with them, then treat your friendship more seriously. *hint* small, private places work well for seeing the romantic side in each other.

      Good Luck !!!!! :D PM me if you want

      I totally agree. I'm 14 and I haven't been kissed yet either, nevermind had a boyfriend. Right now I'm in a (slightly unstable) platonic relationship that I love and can't imagine going beyond that. Sometimes that is much deeper than romance.
    • Re: Never been kissed.

      I know that feel sis. Even one of my closest friends who, to me, is like the kinda guy who would never have a girlfriend until he is like an adult, and sure enough, he is in a close relationship. So, in my peer group I am like the only one who has never had a relationship or kissed anyone. You are special and valuable. You value love and affection and see it for what it really is, which is a gift. You'll find the right guy, or he'll find you. 16 in my opinion is young to really love someone, but I have myself. She was the most amazing person I knew. She meant everything to me, but she didn't share my affection, so I still have never been in a relationship either. You are definately not alone. ;)
      [COLOR="Red"]Skype ID: jameshoganire[/COLOR]
    • Re: Never been kissed.

      You are probably overlooking someone who might have a secret crush on you... has happened to me at least :) A couple of years ago i felt the same way, but when i stopped worrying about it and let things be I found a girlfriend without trying that hard, so dont worry, you'll find somebody :)
    • Re: Never been kissed.

      I'm 15 and the same way, I mean, I've liked people and been flirted with, but never a relationship or a date or a kiss, or anything too legit. Most of the guys around me suck, I mean, there's no way I would ever like or date such weird...things.
      [SIZE=2]I’m a slave for you. I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
      I’m a slave for you. I won’t deny it; I’m not trying to hide it.[/SIZE]