suicide/life advice XD

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    • suicide/life advice XD

      Suicide means a person taking his or her own life due to the pain, fear, sorrow and horror
      went through by he or she in their life. To put it short suicide is running away,taking the
      easy route out or being a coward to face life as it brings you!!

      Don't you think so too?

      And people always think that people who kill themselves are stupid, selfish or like i said in
      the above,a coward. But to me they are very courageous people who had guts to take their lives.
      Another thing to say is that people nowadays have life to easy for them. They don't
      know the meaning of starving, having to work to get money to support themselves or being alone
      and having no one to turn to. So I would like to tell the people or the generation of today,
      is that you should never jugde a person base on the way they treat you or people around them.
      You do not know the difficulties faced by that person. So when one judges or criticise them
      due to his or her behavior, you will add fuel to the fire which causes most of these people
      to take their lives.

      People should watch what they say, don't you agree?

      Besides that I would also like to tell the people of today especially the teenagers, is that they
      should never take the easy way out due to stress from school, friends or parents. I was
      once a teenager and had to go through the loads of homework,exams, scoldings from parents and
      teachers, the pressure parents give you just for you to score in your exams and mostly the
      pressure of friends. Most teenagers nowadays try to fit themselves or change themselves
      just so they can fit into a group or get friends, which i find is very absurd. If they
      do not want to be your friend just because you are who you are. Well you know what thats too
      bad for them. True friends will not like you because of who you are trying to be but for
      who you really are!

      For those who still want to change just to gain friends and popularity. Well I suggest you
      better stop it before its too late. One day when you realise you've lost yourself. You will
      be too deep and lost in your mask that you don't know who you are anymore! So you better
      RIP off that mask ASAP :D

      Lastly the most important thing I want to share with you guys is about God. I know reality
      sucks! Life is painful but you have to overcome it and move on. That's what life is about.
      Overcoming obstacles, realising mistakes you've made and never repeating them. In my life
      i've fallen down countless of times. And at times i feel like i have no more strength to
      get up. BUT that's when God comes and lift me off my feet! Without God in my life I would
      not be talking with you guys ;D!! God is really there and He has work miracles in my life.
      All you have to do is believe. I know some of you all wonder. Why is it that no matter
      how hard i pray or how long i pray, God never answers my prayers. Well you know what, He
      will. It's just in His own time. When you think you lost all hope you will be surprise at
      how great Gods powers are ;D! So never give up!

      Hope this message helps you guys in living your lives!! Remember to be independant and
      when you feel that your live sucks and it's only filled with pain and misery, there
      are other people in this world who are suffering worst than you. My secret is that
      when im at my lowest I always remember the times when I had FUN with my friends and
      family. And if your doing something that you think is a pain in the butt. Think of
      the rewards you are gonna get out of it. For example, you think studying is such a
      drag but in truth, when you score all A's get a scholarship and graduate from college
      or university, get a job that pays you well and be able to travel to places you love
      with your family. Is that not the greatest joy and fun?! So even if you suffer now but
      at least you can be assured that 10 or 20 years down the road you will be enjoying life.

      Thanks and God Bless ;DD!! FREE TO ASK ME ANYTHING XD