Need Help with This Girl! Please Help!

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    • Need Help with This Girl! Please Help!

      Long story short, we met on a school field trip and slept next to each other and kissed on the bus home before we even talked. Yes, there was a little bit of small talk, but not much. This was about a month ago.

      Back at school, the first few weeks she'd write me letters and text me during the day. We'd always hold hands and we'd kiss each other goodbye.

      This past week, she was being kind of distant, when we texted at night she didn't seem enthusiastic at all and we kissed and held hands less and less.

      Today, she told me that it wasn't working out between us, and that things went too quickly. She also said she's going through a lot right now (dog dying).

      I haven't felt the connection this past week with her that I felt in the previous weeks. I still like the girl though. We have so much in common and at least had a connection.

      Do you think I have another chance? Thing is, we were never officially dating or going out. Think I have another chance at getting with her again and this time going a little slower?

      Any help is appreciated.
    • Re: Need Help with This Girl! Please Help!

      Let things cool off for a while, maybe she just needs time and space to think about things. After a week or so start talking to her again and see how far can you push it. If she resists at you trying to hold her hand or kiss her ask her why does she think it won't work out, and see if you can solve things together
    • Re: Need Help with This Girl! Please Help!

      cacb3 wrote:

      Let things cool off for a while, maybe she just needs time and space to think about things. After a week or so start talking to her again and see how far can you push it. If she resists at you trying to hold her hand or kiss her ask her why does she think it won't work out, and see if you can solve things together

      Well, it's not like we are currently talking. We did sit at the same lunch table, and after she told me this on Friday (right before lunch), she sat at the same table but a little further down and away from me.

      In a week, if I decide I still miss her and contact her, do I just say I've missed you and see where it goes from there? Should I just text her then?
    • Re: Need Help with This Girl! Please Help!

      I don't know if opening with I've missed you would be a good idea. After all you do see her frequently. You should open with something you two shared in common. Music, tv, movies, anyway... Try to create conversation, a long one. As it advances get physical with her. If at some point she resists, ask her what she thinks comes now...
    • Re: Need Help with This Girl! Please Help!

      Here's the thing. We did see each other frequently. She basically said we are over and we aren't talking. For the next week, I'm sitting at a different lunch table (I didn't tell her this) and going I'm not going to contact nor talk to her. I'm going to decide if I miss her just physically or physically and personally. If I miss her personally and want to try to pursue her at the end of the week, I'll text her. I'll need to text her something that she'll respond to. Maybe cutting right to it and telling her would be better than starting off with something I remember about her. Hm, I'm not sure.
    • Re: Need Help with This Girl! Please Help!

      From a girl's perspective, I just think that your girl needs some time to herself and figure things out on her own without being in a relationship for right now. She just doesn't want to take things too far with this relationship. Maybe her dog was very close to her. She obviously doesn't want to make contact with you, so just leave her. Don't push it.
    • Re: Need Help with This Girl! Please Help!

      ducksrcool wrote:

      From a girl's perspective, I just think that your girl needs some time to herself and figure things out on her own without being in a relationship for right now. She just doesn't want to take things too far with this relationship. Maybe her dog was very close to her. She obviously doesn't want to make contact with you, so just leave her. Don't push it.

      Thanks for the advice. Here's the odd thing though, when her dog was dying (it's still in the process of dying), she wasn't cheery around me but was fine around everyone else. Makes me think that was just an excuse (her dog is actually dying though).