Not sure what to do...

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    • Not sure what to do...

      There is this girl that i have liked for a while now. For some time she seemed that she liked me back so i saw things in a positive way. One day there was this science convention at school and at one point she said "lets get out of here". We went to the music building where we stayed inside a room for a couple of hours. I first thought that this was good opportunity to either make a move or come forth and tell her, but i decided i'd wait til almost the end of the day preventing things to become uncomfortable for either one. So we talked a lot and listened to some music, but then she looked at her phone and said "its time, we should go". That moment I felt I had missed my chance. However, a few seconds of going out she noticed one of her earrings was missing, so we came back to look for it. At first I didnt give that too much attention, but thinking about it I could have used those few minutes to tell her, and maybe she even had done this on purpose so I could in fact make my move. But I didn't have all these in my mind at the time, and at some point she just said "I found it". I never saw where it had been.
      So anyway, a few weeks have passed and she treats me differently now. Its as if she has lost interest on me since then. I think that, if she actually did like me by that time, probably said to herself "he doesn't like me, i should just move on". I asked one of her friends and she said to me that she liked some random guy, but I'm not really sure about this, it sounded like she was trying to cover something... So now the girl hardly acknowledges me and talk very little. Not sure what should I do now. Is there some way to saving my chances with her?
    • Re: Not sure what to do...

      dont worry things always work out in the end. either ull get another shot or she wasnt the one and u not saying anything might be faiths way of telling u.
      on the other hand u could just tell her how u fell and u werent sure what to do the day u wandered off. if she likes u shell understand and if she doesnt...well u have many roads to take..either keep trying or give up, or just let it go and it may still work out.
      dont worry to much over it, there is more important things to do/worry about then the girl who got away