Need advice about an ex :(

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    • Need advice about an ex :(

      Hi, Its been almost a year since we broke up and he knows how much i like him. He leads me on then like pretends i dont exist. One of my best friends likes him and shes liked him for a few weeks now and she thinks im a bitch because i dont want them to date when truth is i cant stand seeing him with other girls. when him and his ex were fighting he promised i was his second chance but now hes saying he just wants to be friends and date later. Now i find out hes moving prety far away and i ask him if we can date for awhile before he moves he says no. now another girl has asked him out and like everyone knows how much i like him!!! i know it seems like hes an ass but hes not. hes like really sweet and ive tried to get over him but i cant.!! i really need advice!:confused: Ive cried for him for soo long and ive had thoughts of cutting and worse...
    • Re: Need advice about an ex :(

      !) DON'T CUT OR DO ANYTHING WORSE!!! Even if he doesn't date you, the worst that will happen is someone else will like you, and you will date him and forget this first guy existed. And he still wants to be friends, so that's a start.
      2) Ask him WHY he won't go out with you. You like each other, and there doesn't seem to be any reason, so why??
      3) It really seems that you love him. That is great, and you really seem like a nice person, who doesn't deserve this. Keep trying, since you really like him so much.
      Good Luck!!! :D
      [COLOR="Green"]Offer help, and others will offer it to you.[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="DarkOrange"]You get what you deserve.[/COLOR]
    • Re: Need advice about an ex :(

      I would move on.
      Sometimes relationships even when both people love each other things just can't be fixed.
      And even though you think it might be easier if you guys stayed together until he leaves, it will actually be a lot harder to let him go.

      ---------- Post added at 11:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 AM ----------

      I would move on.
      Sometimes relationships even when both people love each other things just can't be fixed.
      And even though you think it might be easier if you guys stayed together until he leaves, it will actually be a lot harder to let him go.
    • Re: Need advice about an ex :(

      Hurting yourself over a guy definitly isnt worth it, i know because ive done it and it jus reminds me of my ex more. If he's moving this is a good way to start getting over him. Try just being friends. Example, my ex dumped me 5 months ago. We talked a little bit after that but then turned into bitter hate. Now, 5 months later, him dating another girl and now me another guy, were getting to be friends again, and honestly thats all i could ever ask for. Yes, i still have feelings for him but weve both moved on and those feelings just turned into any other friends feelings. Just try and be friends an i wish u the best of luck :)
      [COLOR="Sienna"]Tale as Old as Time, [/COLOR]
      [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Song as Old as Rhyme,[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Yellow"]Beauty and the Beast[/COLOR]:lovey:
    • Re: Need advice about an ex :(

      I think it is obvious that he is not interested in you as a girlfriend any more.
      As much as it is painful, try to move on.
      Hurting yourself over a guy is pointless because he will just think you are creepy and it would kill any chances of him being interested in you.
      uSe that intense nergy in a different way.
    • Re: Need advice about an ex :(

      I understand that you might not want to believe he is an ass but he seems like a player. You can do much better. Find someone who appreciates you! Just from what you have said about him I can tell you that he is not worth your time... or your tears.

      "Nobody is worth your tears
      and the one that is
      wont make you cry"

      remember that... hope this helps