When the guy you like likes someone else

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    • When the guy you like likes someone else

      Ok I'm 14 S2 going into S3 in a few weeks and I have never been out with anyone or had a boyfriend ! Anytime I have liked anyone they haven't liked me or they have ended up going out with my friend or something.but there is this guy that I really like and we talk quite alot but today he told me that he likes a popular girl in my year. I was upset. Is there anyway I could get him to like me? My friend told me a while ago that he did but he says he kinda likes this girl. Btw he doesn't know I like him. Please help! What do I do?I'm desperate for a boyfriend and I really like this guy.
    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      OK, first thing's first. I am a guy, so I know firsthand.
      1. Be social, outgoing. Not obnoxious and annoying, but fun; make everyone, not just guys, want to be around you.
      2. Choose the guy you like the most (can't stop thinking about him, fun, maybe hot), and think of a few things you have in common that could start a conversation. Not just a yes/no question, but something that you both like and can talk about. For me, it was music.
      3. Don't tell him you like him unless you are fine with rejection. After you become friends, then go ahead. Even if he doesn't like you at first, it will get the idea in his mind, and he might eventually. At worst, he will be flattered.
      4. BE YOURSELF!!! That is so crucial.
      5. Don't feel pressure to date anyone. It's not bad if you don't, and it shows that you really want to find the right person.

      Good luck!!! :D :cool:
      [COLOR="Green"]Offer help, and others will offer it to you.[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="DarkOrange"]You get what you deserve.[/COLOR]
    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      This is a really boring answer, so I'm sorry for that, but - you're still really young and new to the world of romance and dating etc. - you've got plenty of time to find a guy who likes you back and I'm sure you will. Nick's tips are good ideas in general. Just get to know as many guys as possible and if you find any you think you might like then ask them out (there really isn't anything wrong with the girl taking the lead like that - and if the guy's shy he'll be really glad you do) and see what happens from there. I found these 'top dating tips' online a while ago and I really think they're good:

      Captain Awkward wrote:

      1 The other person is just a human
      2 Ask the person out sooner rather than later, before you get too caught up in a fantasy or invested in the outcome.
      3 Nobody owes you time or affection, so don’t approach dating with a sense of entitlement.
      4 Be cool with rejection.
      5 You can’t control whether someone will like you.
      6 Listen to the other person – pay attention to the actual interaction that is taking place and not the one in your head.
      7 Don’t date anyone who isn’t as cool as your friends.
      8 Acknowledge the awkward. Don’t try to be smooth if you’re not smooth. It’s okay to say “I feel shy about asking you out, but I like you.”
    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      wow..i'm actually having the same situation with you... i've liked this guy, and he liked my friend... but trust me, you'll find someone better in the end..

      Please don't make any rash decision, merely it may be an infatuation, or pure attraction. But nevertheless, believe in meant to be. Cus.. in the end, if you were to find a way to make him love you. You won't get happiness out of it... cus you're "making" it happen..
      Be natural, and eventually, someone else will fall for you. And that someone else, has his first choice of you. And not making a choice of you and the girl.. He does not "choose".
      He should have all eye on you. And the heart of only you and no one else.

      But, Good luck too :) If it's a happiness of your moment. ^^
      [CENTER][COLOR="Pink"]Maybe she has a hard time trusting anyone because all they'd ever done was leave her[/COLOR][/CENTER]

    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      Alright; this is simple, really! Just tell him! If he knows that you like him he will pay more attention to you and to what you do for sure. If he doesn't know that you like him, how can he possibly like you? Not to be mean, but you really need to tell him asap.

      Also, don't worry about a guy saying that he "likes" a certain girl; most of the time when we say that is because we find her cute, attractive, but not necessarily that we wanna go out with her and jump in bed asap. Trust me, chances are that he likes you too, and just said that to see your reaction or whether you like him too or not.

      Go ahead; ask him!!

    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      I had a situation like this kinda. I mean vise-versa, Best friend liked me but i wanted someone totally different. I spent so much time worrying about this other girl i was to blinded to see the great opportunity that was right in front of me the whole time. When i found out she was with someone else and we drifted apart to the point we didn't talk. My advice to you is take a chance and tell them, you never know what you might miss out on.
    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      When you are scared of something; think of the worse that can happen. I know this sounds really cliché, but it always works. You ask him; he says no. It's not the end of the world! But deep inside you, you will be extremely satisfied and proud of yourself that you managed to do it, that you had the courage to ask him.

      And imagine if he says "yes"? Then it's wonderful, because you will, once again, realize that you've had the great courage of asking him. Do not be shy; as I said, the worse that can happen is him say "no" and this is it. So go ahead!
    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      Tell him what you really feel for him. Say that you feel good when you're with him and that you feel this connection between you two. That you like him for X and Y reason, and list the positive things that you like about him too.

      This will make him feel very appreciated and liked; many guys even forget about their crushes when a girl comes up to them and tells them that.

      You can ask him out directly, and say that you will do everything that you can to make this work. He will most certainly do the same, even though he probably won't say it right there.

      But anyway, IF he says no, which is of course not what you want but let's face it, it can go that way, then you can simply ask for you two to remain friends.

      Often when a guy and a girl are friends they sooner or later become lovers (although I am not generalizing here) so you must keep your distance and not tell him everything about yourself, because he will have nothing more to discover about you and will get bored, and the same will apply to you. Keep the "mystery" touch between you two, make him be curious about you, and it will most certainly work (although do not take my words for granted; every one is special and has a different way of doing/thinking).

      Good luck! :)

    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      I was going to tell him this morning but I just found out that 2 of my friends like him.One of them told him last night!And to make it worst one of them told him last night that they like him!:(
      I don't want to sound mean but I don't think he is intrested in them.but I'm quite close with him an I think I do stand a chance! My 2 friends don't know I like him.I don't want my friends to get mad if I tell him especially if we do go out.But I really really like this guy! And I think he is worth it!
      What should I do?
    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      You should tell him no matter what. Don't let other people stand in your way; if they are really your friends, then they will be happy for you if everything goes well with the guy.

      Just because your friends have a move ahead of you doesn't mean that you don't stand any chance at all. What I suggest doing is probably wait 1 day maximum before telling him. Like, not today, but tomorrow. It will give him more time to think about it, because if you flood him with too much info right now he will probably get confused thinking that it's a simple prank that you girls decided to play on him.

      So as I previously mentioned, you have to tell him no matter what; I told you, the worse that can happen is him say "no", and that's it. You say that you two are close; this will help a lot, indeed! So go ahead, and don't hesitate. I totally understand that you feel anxious about it and nervous, but hey, who said that life was fair!

      Good luck! :)

    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      Its no strange thing that you havent had a boyfriend at your age. How to best get him to have feelings for you? Just be yourself around him and when your feel comfortable tell him your feelings. If he still doesnt answer your feelings, he is not the correct guy for u. I wish you the best of luck :)