Help me help my friend

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    • Help me help my friend

      I have a friend who has been self harming for a year. I only found out about a month ago and helped convince her to tell her guidance teacher. So now her parents and stuff know and she is getting help and stuff.I just wanted to know if u knew of any ways I could help her get through this easier? I listen to her and try to advise her best I can but I wish I could do more! Any tips?
    • Re: Help me help my friend

      Just make sure she knows you are there for here no matter what and that you care about her. Talking is always a good thing to do about anything at all (not about that shes selfharming, only if she really want to and if shes ready to tell cause well for some ppl it annoys if someone tries to talk with you about it if you dont want to yourself.)
      And just spend time with her do fun stuff so she can feel better and knows you and there for her.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: Help me help my friend

      She is like my best friend she means so much to me!I do talk to her all the time help her by like suttly stopping people from seeing her arm of if stuff comes up like that in general conversation with people that don't no deviating the convo! I just really wish I could help more!she has gone through alot! And an awful lot of pain! She is genuinely lovely person who deserves none of it! I would take her pain everything she has been through and more in a heartbeat if it ment she didn't feel that pain but I can't :(
      I just really wish I could do more!!
    • Re: Help me help my friend

      I think what you have already done is wonderful! It takes a true friend to stand up and recommend someone get help from an adult! Continue showing her support, but try to stay away from bringing up the topic yourself. The last thing she probably wants is to be reminded... Unless she brings it up, of course. Your friend is lucky to have you as their friend... :)
    • Re: Help me help my friend

      Thanks! I try not to bring it up except maybe if she is staring at her arm disappointed or something trying congratulating her on not cutting for a certain period of time or something so she knows she has nothing to be ashamed of, I'm proud of her stopping and she is incredibly brave and has came a long way!!I think things are alot better for her! Usally when people ask questions like why was she out of class ( and it's something to do with it) I would be like oh ye how was the data check? Or something.I didn't force her to tell I just told her how things can only get better and wouldn't it be easier this way and listed alternatives. But she still told her guidance teacher! That is her achievment! She really is trying! Like she is trying not to wear cardigans all the time and stuff because it has been roasting lately where I am! I just feel so bad for her!
      Thanks guys for all the help!
      Please tell me if u think of anything else I could do to help her!!