I would really need help.

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    • I would really need help.

      Okay, no one has bothered to reply in my previous posts, i hope this will be more successful.

      So... I don't know what to think about my life. I have not been diagnosed with neurosis, or depression, but i highly suspect i have them both. Reasons are: phimosis, possible urethral tract infection, my family that annoys me sometimes, my crappy school success, and how i have treated my long distance girlfriend in the past. So... i am in desperate need of life quality improvement. Maybe positivity could help with some of those problems. The phimosis is worrying me the most right now. If i can't make love to, or sexually pleasure my girlfriend in any way in the future, i have no idea what i will do. She is the most important person to me ever. I hate to say this, but i would probably seriously consider ending my miserable life. I would really appreciate answers. I hope i don't sound too blunt or judging or something along those lines, but i really would need help. Thank you.
    • Re: I would really need help.

      It is possible that you have depression, and there would be nothing wrong with going to some counseling to help you get things sorted out. As for medical conditions, if there is nothing you can do about them, there is nothing you can do.. I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done to help with phimosis, I've only just looked up the condition, however; if there is something you can do to fix it/help it, do it. If you can't, there is no sense in worrying yourself over something you cannot control. I have a problem with worrying over things out my control sometimes as well, I know it's hard, but sometimes you just have to accept things for how they are and make the best of it.
      Please don't consider ending your life!! Everything will be okay, you just need to deal with the things that are stressing you and depressing you.
      I want to suggest to you that you stop focusing on all the things that are wrong in life and focus on the good things. There are some good things, I'm sure! And if there isn't anything for you to consider a "good thing" in your life, create something. Obviously your gf is important to you and is a good thing, focus on the fact that you actually have her, not whether or not you will be able to pleasure her sexually. I'm sure if she really loves you and you really love her, she will understand if there is some difficulty or whatever the matter is.
      As for your family annoying you, well, sometimes that happens. And I know for me, sometimes it gets really bad! But it's all a matter of how you look at things and how you react to things.
      Look at it this way, you are only annoyed because you are allowing yourself to be. The next time something annoying happens and you want to react in your usual way, stop yourself and just let it roll of your shoulders. Family is family and they are around even if they annoy you. Appreciate your family, even there are problems or whatever the situation is, you have a family and I'm sure they love you.

      You're right, positive thinking would help you out a lot. Get up every morning and appreciate the fact that you're alive and you have a chance to have a good day.

      In the words of the wonderful Hannah Montana, "life is what you make it, so let's make it rock!" haha :)

      Hope this helps, feel free to message me if you want to talk.

    • Re: I would really need help.

      Talk to someone!
      It sounds like your gf would be a good choice! Maybe consider talking to a doctor about the medical conditions and a councillor therapist or some you trust about how you feel!
      DONT take your own life!
      Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem how you feel now will pass just wait and see the wonderful things life has in store for you!
      Try to stay as positive as possible!
      Try not to worry about things out of your control just remember:
      If you can solve your problem then there's no need to worry
      If you can't solve your problem then there's no use in worrying
      Hope it helps! :)
    • Re: I would really need help.

      After reading your post, I just want you to know that you seem like a very levelheaded person. You have pinpointed the things in your life that bother you and that, to you, dont seem right. Thats great. I have a crappy life too... who doesn't. But I cant seem to identify what is dragging me down. Positivity is a great start, and if your girlfriend makes you happy and you obviously want to make her happy, spend tons of time with her. This probably really isnt going to be as helpful as I was hoping it would when I began writing it... but ending your life, is not the answer... its never the answer. Just put your head up and do the things that make you happy... and work on the things that you are struggling with. Although I am unsure if this was a reply you were at all hoping for, but I do wish that in some way it helped... and if you ever want to talk, I'll never leave you hanging... good luck:)
    • Re: I would really need help.

      Thank you all! It's great someone finally listens to me. And yeah, i won't really kill myself. I know it's not the way. I do visit a psychologist weekly, and i have been given instructions on how to treat the phimosis, but the psychologist's time is only once a week. And the treatment to phimosis... sometimes i surprise myself with how far i have got, but sometimes it is pretty much the same as always, so i can't really stretch it at all! :( Because i worry i will rip the foreskin or cause permanent damage otherwise, and i don't even like temporary pain down there. And yeah, my family does annoy me a lot, and i guess that's normal. I have always been the little angel of the family, but i don't feel like being all that much anymore. Pretty much every problem of mine is in some way controllable, but i am too nice to people, allowing myself to get ran over. I do like being nice, but not too nice. And wow, i never thought i am pinpointed. Thanks! :D All of the answers were really great. I almost cried because of the touchiness of them. :waa: Thank you all really much! :rockon: