Help Please Mother Help

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    • Help Please Mother Help

      Please help me friends...
      I like to surf the web and watch videos on YouTube like most kids my age (I'm 12)
      My mom doesn't like me on the computer all the time (as do most mothers)
      She threatens to send me to boarding school if I don't get into the local magnet school
      I have good grades and have got all As so I am not too worried. The test for the school is in a year... Whenever she sees me on the computer (Even though I only do it an hour a day) she beats the crap out of me.
      She pulls my hair out, sprained my neck, leaves permanent scars on my body, causes me to vomit blood, hits me with raquets, bats, chairs, you name it!
      She calls me a f**ker a b**tard b**ch A**hole et cetera and that is how I learned those words.
      Even one retaliation from me like callin her dumb or stupid provokes more of this.
      When she hits me and I scream she gags me and chokes me telling me not to and then she comes around with more of this so called...punishment.
      When I do my homework and she hears one sound from my facebook message or skype she does the same.
      I am scared to report her to the police because I don't want the family's reputation to go bad and deep down inside I still love her. I bet I can beat her back but that seems just wrong and I still love her.
      I need advice please!
    • Re: Help Please Mother Help

      Thats quite the circumstance!
      First thing is first, she has no right to beat you or do any of the things mentioned in the post you made. Second you may love her, but if she beats you for going on the computer for an hour what are you to her? just food for though.
      If you do not want to report her (which I recommend) you have to find out the reason why she is doing this to you, which is from going on the computer. So to solve that problem you are going to have to stop using the computer and using it for youtube and Skype.
      Its as simple as that.

      Good Luck
    • Re: Help Please Mother Help

      Mott23 wrote:


      You must be an obnoxious little brat. No wonder she is annoyed. Behave yourself. There is life outside of computer. You sound like a selfish a..hole who cannot appreciate family.

      My 2 cents.


      Hey! This is not necessary (Mott), you do not know the situation. Don't call names and put people down when they are in need of help. There is no reason why a child should be beaten, even if there is life outside of the computer or if they are being "selfish". I don't know how you got that out of what the original poster wrote, nor do I know how it sounds like they cannot appreciate family.

      Anyways, MacawMacaw-- I think you really do need to get yourself professional help in that situation. You need to report your mother or get her help in some way so that she is not abusive. You do not deserve that and I am so sorry you have to go through it. Although I may have to agree with CocaineCowboy in that you are probably going to have to stop getting on the computer to avoid further abuse, though I don't believe that is fair, it is probably what needs to be done. And do not worry about your family's reputation because you will benefit greatly from this.

      I really wish you the best, please message me if I can help you in anyway!