If someone likes you, do they always try to talk to you a lot?

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    • If someone likes you, do they always try to talk to you a lot?

      I'm gonna try to keep this short and simple, I guess: I like a guy (duh). We have really fun conversations and stuff, and when we actually get to talking we go on for more than an hour. When I'm actually around him in person, I kinda get the feeling that he likes me back, but I'm not sure. He's been really friendly, asked me to post more on my deviantArt and tumblr for him to look at, and he carried my jacket and let me lean on him and stuff when we were at Disneyland with friends.

      The main hitch is that it doesn't seem like he really starts conversations with me very much. He may wave or something when he passes me in the halls but he doesn't always stop to talk. He comes up to talk to me or IM's me once in a while, but I feel like he was actually actively interested in me he would seek me out more often. What do you think?
      [SIZE=1][SIZE=2]S i m u l a t i o n: M e + H i m[/SIZE]
    • Re: If someone likes you, do they always try to talk to you a lot?

      Cheetolemur wrote:

      I'm gonna try to keep this short and simple, I guess: I like a guy (duh). We have really fun conversations and stuff, and when we actually get to talking we go on for more than an hour. When I'm actually around him in person, I kinda get the feeling that he likes me back, but I'm not sure. He's been really friendly, asked me to post more on my deviantArt and tumblr for him to look at, and he carried my jacket and let me lean on him and stuff when we were at Disneyland with friends.

      The main hitch is that it doesn't seem like he really starts conversations with me very much. He may wave or something when he passes me in the halls but he doesn't always stop to talk. He comes up to talk to me or IM's me once in a while, but I feel like he was actually actively interested in me he would seek me out more often. What do you think?

      I had/have similar problems. It sounds more like shyness than anything. It's never easy to start a conversation, and waving is easier than pausing to say hi. I'd suggest maybe starting a conversation with him at school, and see how he reacts. Is he shy? Blushing? Having a nice conversation? Anything really. Sometimes a guy might just need a small push.