i think i love my best friend

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    • i think i love my best friend

      ok so i have this friend. And me and her sorta liked eachother back in 6th grade. And all of a sudden i am feeling something more for her.....and i dont know if i should tell her cause im afraid if i do it will make me & her friendship okward ( i prolly spelled that wrong im to tired to type right) and yeah. I dont know what to do. I mean shes my best friend and i dont wanna screw up our friendship :(
      [CENTER]don't think i'm crazy when i tell you this, but if you ever hurt me i'll fucking kill you :lol:[/CENTER]
    • Re: i think i love my best friend

      Im not sure, i have some what the same problem, though we want to go out, we got over the whole best friend, we know that we will always be best friend, and we can just put it down as a bad mistake later. But then agian, even with being her best friend i know more about her then any other guy, or other person and shes had 3 boy friends. And were just about in a relationship, just that our parents wont let us, but its about the same..

      I would say if you REALLY like her go for it. Though talk it out, dont jump to anything, and tell her that if anything starts going south, you need to just be best friends before it gets too bad.
    • Re: i think i love my best friend

      Ah my friend, I have been in the same situation as you. If you'd like to take the time to read, this is how my story went.


      It all started when I joined school in Year 7. There was this stunning girl in my class, who I instantly was attracted to. Honestly, that's no exaggeration - Instantly.

      The months went past, until we started being good friends. We went out for about 2 days, but it didn't work, as there was no passion between us in that sort of situation. We were both still good mates, but we had drifted very slightly. Not noticable really, as our friendship was strong enough.

      We carried on like that until the end of year 8, at which point she was in a competition (mock x-factor). She sung "Somewhere Over the Rainbow, by Eva Cassidy", and I'd never heard her sing before. The moment she parted her lips, and started singing that song, I fell in love. It was like she was singing it just to me, it was just so passionate. She won, as you might've guessed. (I'll post her singing soon).

      During the summer holidays, we spent nearly every day together. I was certain she felt the same way about me. Alas this wasn't true, and when I admitted to her what I felt, we didn't talk for a long time.

      In the autumn, we became friends once again (rocky path isn't it?). Everything was fine and good until the 31st December. I was on MSN, and I had the worst situation occuring. She told me that she had just been asked out by my best mate, and she said yes.

      Unless it's happened to you, you honestly cannot understand how similar it feels to having your heart ripped out.

      However, he didn't treat her well, and their was no true feeling between them. They didn't even peck. In the Spring of 06, they split up. I didn't get my hopes up, until a month later she turned... *pause*, well I suppose I could say that she turned sweeter.

      On the 2nd June 06, I asked her out. She said yes. I was over the moon. She was not in love with me, as I was with her, but that moment came no longer than a month later.

      I remember how it happened so clearly. She just walked towards me, when I was waiting in the local park (beautiful place it was), and she just had a determined look on her face. We kissed like we had never kissed before, and she said those words that are permanantly engraved onto my heart: "I Love You".

      Since then, we've been together for nearly a year and a half. Sure, we've had our up's and down's, but the relationship is uncomparable. I love her, she loves me, and we want to spend the rest of our lives together.


      I hope you enjoyed reading that... That sort of thing can happen in a best-friendship. It's just a matter of passion my friend.

      Can you look deep into your heart, and say to yourself that you love her?

      Would you fight for a whole year to get her, no matter what the obstacles, as I did?

      If so, then go for it. That's my personal opinion. I've spent the time to write the above out, to see what you can have from a relationship that works.

      Recently, we moved onto the "final" base, and that really sealed it - I had never kissed, made out with, or otherwise, to any other girl. I'm truly glad of that.

      Good luck to you, whatever your choice. Just consider what you have now, versus what you could have.

      The Shotgun Hitman
      - Radio Head DJ
      - Magazine Author
      - Vip Member
    • Re: i think i love my best friend

      It all depends on how strong the relationship is now, while your just good freinds.

      If she feels the same way it will be a brilliant relationship but if she dosent, she will either let you down gently and you can just still be good freinds or take it not so well in which case you freindship may be ruined.

      sorry, that may not be much help
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]ii want a boy hu [/SIZE][SIZE=4]ii Can Run to wiTH [/SIZE][SIZE=4]Tears RUNNiN Down Mii FaCe [/SIZE][SIZE=4]&&THa FiRST THiNG He SaiS iS [/SIZE][SIZE=4]wHOSe ASS aM i KiCkiN [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: i think i love my best friend

      thanks to everyone who replied to this post. I just decided to tell my friend how i felt. And it turns out that she likes me too. And we talked on the phone today and decided that if we date, if we ever break up that we wont let it reuin our friendship
      [CENTER]don't think i'm crazy when i tell you this, but if you ever hurt me i'll fucking kill you :lol:[/CENTER]
    • Re: i think i love my best friend

      johnnyxrobert wrote:

      thanks to everyone who replied to this post. I just decided to tell my friend how i felt. And it turns out that she likes me too. And we talked on the phone today and decided that if we date, if we ever break up that we wont let it reuin our friendship

      Congratulations mate. That was the best outcome you could possible wish for! It just shows: "You never know until you try". Just make sure you keep your promise not to stop being friends if/when you split up. It's heart-breaking to the other person if you don't.

      The Shotgun Hitman
      - Radio Head DJ
      - Magazine Author
      - Vip Member
    • Re: i think i love my best friend

      Sometimes these types of relationships can work out well; sometimes they don't.
      Explain to her that you still have feelings for her/are attracted to her.
      & if anything goes from there, make a promise that if you two break up it won't end on a bad note & it should be a mutual decision.
      My boyfriend & I were best friends before we started dating & I've promised him the same thing.
      & we've also made a promise that no matter what, we'll still remain friends.

      Also, one of my exes & I had made the same promise.
      We dated for 8 months & even after we've broken up we are still good friends.
      [LEFT][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=3]I'll make your [SIZE=4]<3[/SIZE] jump[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=4][SIZE=2][SIZE=3] like you was on c o c a i n e.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT]