Perverts giving unwanted attention to my girlfriend!

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    • Perverts giving unwanted attention to my girlfriend!

      Me and she are long distance, and by long i really mean long, not even in the same country, so i can't protect her from the perverts. I hear grown men have wolf whistled her at the streets, and some of his male teachers are acting pervy towards her too. Hell, even his orthodontist has been acting like that. I am really worried about it all. :( I have told her she does not need to take that shit from them. I am so fucking worried. :( What if some pervert actually does something to her? Why do they need to target my girlfriend? I just want them to fucking leave her alone! :mad:
    • Re: Perverts giving unwanted attention to my girlfriend!

      Thats just men and you cant do anything much about that. You should try to convince her to stand up for herself when she needs to, she doesnt need to let them walk over her.
      If they say or do anything what makes her feel uncomfortable she can just tell them so, doesnt even have to sound rude or anything as long as she stand up for herself its good.
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    • Re: Perverts giving unwanted attention to my girlfriend!

      I am a girl and yes sometimes men do wolf whistle at you on the street or leave you messages of 'getting to know you' who are at least 30 years older than you on Facebook! That's normal and you should just ignore it. I mean you're a guy, you probably know they do it for a laugh if they see a young girl walking or a group of them.

      Her teachers and orthodontist are a different story. These are professionals we should trust so it's important she tells someone about this, if they make her feel uncomfortable. Sometimes they might not even say or do anything but if she feels uncomfortable she has a right to say so she should tell someone.

      I don't know you or your girlfriend but maybe it's the way she acts or dresses? Is she quite loud or curvy? If so, it can be a problem so she should examine herself in the mirror before going out.
      Also you shouldn't be worried, long distance or not you should trust your girlfriend to act a certain way so your relationship is not in jeopardy over people approaching her.

      In addition I think it might not be that bad, maybe your girlfriend just wants your attention. Maybe she just wants you to tell her how you feel about her and she's telling you she gets attention elsewhere so you don't go off her? It is a long distance relationship after all and women do need constant reminders of how much you love/care for her.
      Hope this helps
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    • Re: Perverts giving unwanted attention to my girlfriend!

      you need to step up bro. cross state lines. punch dudes in the face. take none of that guff!

      in all seriousness guys will probably hit on girls when their men aren't around. ive been on the giving and receiving end of this. fact of life. The sooner you get over that the happier youll be. trust me. its one thing to step to someone whos being blatantly disrespectful. but if your GF gets attention from other men you should be stoked. it probably means shes good looking!
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    • Re: Perverts giving unwanted attention to my girlfriend!

      Samppa wrote:

      Me and she are long distance, and by long i really mean long, not even in the same country, so i can't protect her from the perverts. I hear grown men have wolf whistled her at the streets, and some of his male teachers are acting pervy towards her too. Hell, even his orthodontist has been acting like that. I am really worried about it all. :( I have told her she does not need to take that shit from them. I am so fucking worried. :( What if some pervert actually does something to her? Why do they need to target my girlfriend? I just want them to fucking leave her alone! :mad:

      :devil: beat the shit out of those perverts...
    • Re: Perverts giving unwanted attention to my girlfriend!

      Thanks for the answers, but no, i am a guy, but i never wolf whistle anyone, so i don't know about stuff like that. She is very beautiful in my opinion, but not exactly curvy, but i prefer the way she is, and some people have called her ugly, but that's obviously not true. Maybe her looks are just attractive to more mature men. Not saying i'm one of those, but i love how she looks. But, thanks for the answers everyone! :D