
    • I have been dating the most amazing boy for three years. He always told me he wanted to marry me, we picked out our kids names, pets, where we were going to live ect. Early in i found out he had an amazing voice, and i have been pushing him to go for his dreams. He took vocals in high school and his year he became the lead male in our high schools musical. (grade12). I was in the musical as well, as the stage manager as i am an artist not an actor.

      This is where problems started to happen, the other lead and him became friends, and i was happy since he didn’t have that many. But then i started to get jealous of how she acted around him, i have to admit it caused me alot of stress and me and him fraught quite a bit in the last month. A week ago he broke up with me, saying that I needed some time to find myself again, but promised we would try again in a bit. I agree I had stopped doing allot of things because I had settled into comfortable couple life. But then two days later they started dating, it destroyed my world. She texted me telling me how they loved each other and how it had been like this for a month.

      I really love him and I know that he doesn’t want to leave me. He still wants to be my friend, when we hang he sits close, he is really consinered about my health, as I have been throwing up due to stress related bulimia. He hugs me, smiles its like we are dating just without the kissing. She has had tons of boyfriends, she likes band boys, and I'm afraid that she is singling him out now since she had went through all the others and he sings. She doesn’t care that this hurts me, even though we where friends. Everyone in the school already hates her because she does this all the time.

      I just want him to see that she is going to hurt him, no boy has lasted with her more then a few months, and she’s even going off to collage in two months. She says that they can have a long distance relationship, he says he’s not planning for the future, he said that it might just be a month. He told me he still loved me, still deeply cares about me. he just loved her in a different way right now. Everyone I talk to says they are still stuck in the musical roles, where they where lovers.

      I was just looking for tips on how to deal with this, how to make him see what everyone else sees, how to make her back off and how to get my man back. If we lasted three years we can last three more, I just want him back.

      Thanks for reading <3
    • Re: Homewreaker

      What I'm seeing here is that he broke up with you and that you don't want to admit it. Unfortunately, you aren't dating anymore and therefore you can't really control what he does, not that you could when you were dating either. If he wants to date her, then that's his choice and she's not a homewrecker. It sounds like he fell out of love with you in a romantic way and that he just sees you in a platonic way, but still as an option, because you're letting yourself be an option. There's really not much you can do, because like I said, he will do what he wants.
      Not to mention, if you are out of highschool, things were probably not going to last long anyway. Once people graduate, they tend to move on. Even if people try and stay together, it usually doesn't work.

      I'd say the best thing you can do right now is just to take a step back and see where you are. Things are not always plain and simple and maybe you need to refocus your own direction. See life without him and the possibilities. Take more time for yourself, take a break from dating and get invested in a hobby or perhaps if you are an artist, take the time to do some work. Take classes. Getting a change of scene will help make the break up easier and if things don't work out between them you can look at it objectively and see if it's still something you want. Let yourself grow as a person.
      - Team Jacob
      don't forget to rep your favorite jacob loving member!:D
    • Re: Homewreaker

      Not to be a bitch but just being honest

      A person can't just come in and break a relationship, the only time it's possible for a person to break up a relationship is when it's already headed in that direction

      This is coming from a girl who used to break up couples just for fun...
      But it's not the girls fault that your relationship ended yes she might have been a part in it but your x must have been having doubts or like the person above me he could have fallen out of love with you.

      I wouldn't tell him anything if she is like what you say let him stick with his decision if he gets hurt it is his own fault not yours & not something you should care about.

      He obviously really doesn't care that he broke your heart he might say so but the fact that he started dating this girl pretty much right after you guys broke up he didn't give a shit about hurting you.

      You are still in high school you have idk how many years you have left but you are a teenager go out & have fun with your friends or make new ones, do your thing. I wish I had.

      I dated a guy for 3 years I will never forget him and when we broke up all i wanted was him back & i felt like my world was over but, I took 5 months off from dating got my stuff together.
      & met my current fiance. Who treats me so much better.

      I would just let him go if he can let you go that easily & if they got together a few days after you guys ended things more than likely they were already a "thing" while you two were still together.

      So just move on you have a lot of time to find Mr. Right & most of the time you don't find love it finds you.

      But kick your x to the curb you deserve better he shouldn't be still trying to be your friend after breaking up with you so soon
    • Re: Homewreaker

      sometimes, you can't force someone to see what everybody sees. They have to learn from their own mistakes.

      You ever hear that phrase, you can lead the horse to the water, but you can't make it drink.

      This is exactly what it is. You need to focus on you and if he gets screwed byt the girl, all you can do is just be here for him.

      I, personally, would not be there for him when he gets fucked, cuz that is like he is getting fresh new pussy and once that is gone, he goes to left overs. So from here on forward, you should concentrate on your health and learn that some relationships come and go. So stop vomitting cuz no boy is worth a shit on your shoe. Trust me. And i'm the motherfucking anti fucking condom.