Death Penalty- For or against?

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    • Death Penalty- For or against?

      We where talking about death penalty and some people were quite surprised to hear my views on it.
      I think death penalty is wrong! I think it's an easy way out! I think that when people do things bad enough that they would recieve the death penalty they in a way deserve to suffer for it! Ino alot of people say they deserve a chane I redeem themselves and that does partly contribute to my opinion but in the main I think for the types of things that people who get put up for death penalty do its an easy way out. I also think that killing someone has a large effect on thier family and friends. Who are innocent and don't deserve that pain! I also think the victim or victims family should have a say in what happens to the person! I'm not saying they should be physically harmed but I think they deserve to suffer not die and they criminals family should be informed of where they are but not necessarily whats happening to them! I think that it's a complex topic though and would like to hear others views and opinions! I respect everyone's !
    • Re: Death Penalty- For or against?

      The only purpose it serves is revenge
      Or justice depending on where your values are.
      it doesn't bring the dead back to life
      Very true.
      it's not cost efficient,

      Explain please?
      Fifty years + in prison is cheaper then a quick volt of electricity, a lethal injection, a quick beheading, a rope or a couple of bullets?
      it's not a deterrent
      Not to mention the number of innocent people who have been put to death.
      And the inoccent people who have spent a majority of their lives waiting to die in prison, what about them? I mean whats the difference? Other then one gets immediate peace and the other has to wait fifty+ years for it.

      I have to say I am split on this subject. On one hand I would say that the death penalty (not one where we wait fifty years to carry out the sentence) would be cheaper and better as whole for everyone involved.
      On the other hand I like the OP's point...

      [CENTER]“If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy.” [/CENTER]
    • Re: Death Penalty- For or against?

      KIA&SS wrote:

      Explain please?
      Fifty years + in prison is cheaper then a quick volt of electricity, a lethal injection, a quick beheading, a rope or a couple of bullets?
      It has nothing to do with the method of execution. Capital cases are nearly always more expensive than sending someone to life in prison, because of appeals and other court proceedings.

      KIA&SS wrote:

      There no data suggesting it is, and the majority of criminologists say there is little evidence suggesting a deterrent. I believe the number was nearly 90% of criminologists in one of the latest studies.

      States with the death penalty do not have a lower homicide rate, and when the death penalty was reinstated, the updated homicide rate did not indicate a deterrence.

      And until we know for sure, why exactly are we chancing it?

      KIA&SS wrote:

      And the inoccent people who have spent a majority of their lives waiting to die in prison, what about them? I mean whats the difference? Other then one gets immediate peace and the other has to wait fifty+ years for it.
      What's the difference? If you're exonerated after you've been executed, you can't just wake back up and walk out of prison. Somebody serving a life-sentence can. That's a massive difference.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by LuklaAdvocate ().

    • Re: Death Penalty- For or against?

      Your right about the statistics its an unproven either way.

      And more expensive court cases I can understand. (I could make a point about this but I think I'll skip cause its not really gonna matter.)

      If you're exonerated after you've been executed, you can't just wake back up and walk out of prison. Somebody serving a life-sentence can. That's a massive difference.

      I guess my thought process is based off of personal preference. I would rather be dead then waiting around the rest of my life to die. But seeing as I know that is just me I'll drop it.
      [CENTER]“If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy.” [/CENTER]
    • Re: Death Penalty- For or against?

      KIA&SS wrote:

      Your right about the statistics its an unproven either way.
      The data still suggests there is no deterrent. It's a difficult study to map, so the results may not be completely conclusive yet. Regardless, the U.S. has had the death penalty now for nearly 40 years, without any indication that it's a deterrent. This suggests that it isn't.

      KIA&SS wrote:

      And more expensive court cases I can understand. (I could make a point about this but I think I'll skip cause its not really gonna matter.)
      What do you mean the more expensive ones? In California alone, the death penalty costs $180 million more per year than life imprisonment. And the least expensive death penalty trial costs $1.1 million more than the most expensive life-without-parole case. Death penalty: Exhaustive study finds death penalty costs California $184 million a year - Los Angeles Times

      It's not even close.

      KIA&SS wrote:

      I guess my thought process is based off of personal preference. I would rather be dead then waiting around the rest of my life to die. But seeing as I know that is just me I'll drop it.
      But ultimately, it's not up to you to decide if an innocent person would rather be put to death or take life imprisonment in the hope that they'll get out. You have no right to make that choice for them.
    • Re: Death Penalty- For or against?

      LuklaAdvocate wrote:

      The data still suggests there is no deterrent. It's a difficult study to map, so the results may not be completely conclusive yet. Regardless, the U.S. has had the death penalty now for nearly 40 years, without any indication that it's a deterrent. This suggests that it isn't. What do you mean the more expensive ones? In California alone, the death penalty costs $180 million more per year than life imprisonment. And the least expensive death penalty trial costs $1.1 million more than the most expensive life-without-parole case. Death penalty: Exhaustive study finds death penalty costs California $184 million a year - Los Angeles Times

      It's not even close. But ultimately, it's not up to you to decide if an innocent person would rather be put to death or take life imprisonment in the hope that they'll get out. You have no right to make that choice for them.

      Lighten up. I agreed with you. :cool: I still agree with you.

      You were the one that said capital cases are more expensive. I was simply agreeing.
      [CENTER]“If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy.” [/CENTER]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by KIA&SS ().

    • Re: Death Penalty- For or against?

      The death penalty is a silly, barbaric thing. The taking of human life is only justified in self-defense. When you have someone detained, there is no need to kill them. To do so is nothing more than childish vengeance. It denies that individual the chance that they might one day realize they error of their way and repent of their actions, and potentially seek to fix the issue, or if that's impossible, do what they can to resolve it, or direct their new found ideals to other areas of society in an attempt to improve and assist others in life. There are countless stories of death row inmates who turn over a new leaf, and begin to contribute to society in a positive way. Why take that away? It's foolish.

      Capital punishment can never be justified in any society which calls itself civilized.
      The happiness and peace of a people...are forged from the tears of others...
      To find their pleasure...they reap sorrow...and sow despair...
      This cycle of hatred...will never cease...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by The Chaos Heart ().

    • Re: Death Penalty- For or against?

      It costs 40,000 dollars a year to keep people in jail. That is a huge burden on taxpayers. Why should my taxes go up because some scumbag killed someone? I fully support the death penalty. You don't deserve to live and suck on the tit of society for the rest of your life.

      However, I only support it when there's DNA evidence that proves someone committed the murder (or caught on camera)
    • Re: Death Penalty- For or against?

      Immortal Technique wrote:

      It costs 40,000 dollars a year to keep people in jail. That is a huge burden on taxpayers. Why should my taxes go up because some scumbag killed someone? I fully support the death penalty. You don't deserve to live and suck on the tit of society for the rest of your life.
      Too bad life imprisonment is cheaper. A lot cheaper.

      Immortal Technique wrote:

      However, I only support it when there's DNA evidence that proves someone committed the murder (or caught on camera)
      DNA doesn't prove you committed murder. By itself it doesn't even prove you were present during the crime.
    • Re: Death Penalty- For or against?

      If they reserved it for really immoral crimes and cut down on these court fees you guys keep mentioning (i know nothing about them, but it seems like bs that the gov't spends so much on court cases) i'd be for it. It is expensive to keep so many people in jail for life.. only more appealing option i can think of is reinstating slave labor for life prisoners. =P have them build schools or use them for organ transplants or something.

      Yes, I have no pity for the more violent criminals.