My first 69...

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  • Re: My first 69...

    You ignorant, self-involved little shit. You just pissed me off for real. So lemme break it down for you.

    nobody gives a flying fuck about your feelings or how your life is because you don't give a fuck about anyone else. Everything you say sounds fake, you're full of hypocrisy, and you act like EVERYONE cares about your fucking stupid little judgements and opinions-


    -You say you're a lesbian and then make fun of homosexuals.

    -You call other people racist when you (FUCKING STUPIDLY) think everyone who criticizes you is black. You also fail to realise real black people don't really give a shit about racist little white trash like you. My life was harder than yours will ever be and i'm much more empathetic and aware of reality than you will ever be.

    -I don't have a thing for you and I really doubt anyone does, irl or online; you're a fucking disaster. Let me remind you also that the first time you posted talking to me, you asked me to lick your pussy (yes, girls do use that word; unlike the fucking retarded words YOU use) and then said some stupid shit about vagina-flavored cotton candy. LOLOLOLOLOL you have no fucking hope of ever getting anyone with any level of intelligence to like you.

    -You think posting my message is a threat when all I did was try and help you? FUCKING STUPID. Here's my message so TH users can see what you ignored in favor of being a fucking idiot.

    So first i'll say i'm not really upset about anything that happened earlier. Second, i'm pming you because you shouldn't post all your personal business on a thread, you WILL get attention but it's negative attention.

    Third, i'm sorry you have such a rough life. I've been in bad places myself and I know how hard it is to change things when you're young. I always promised myself i'd never try anything besides marijuana, so I can't imagine how tough it must be with all those different addictions. I only had two and it nearly killed me. We both have some sexuality issues on top, which means you're as depressed as I was also. Bad stuff.

    But if i could make you do one thing, any thing in the world, i'd tell you to tone down the anger at the world. At some point you will realize the 'world' doesn't really care what you think of it and it never will. I spent nearly 5 years home alone on my computer 'beating down' people who I thought were unjust or cruel or anything else bad you could think of. I had online girlfriends also, so yes, I do know about cyber sex. I would be careful of it. It can be wonderful with the right person (just like real sex, I hear) at the right time, but the way you seem to want it will bring you nothing but emptiness. People like us need to cling tightly to the things we enjoy.

    The anger will ruin you like it ruined me if you don't forgive others for being fucked up (because there are more issues in the world than yours, even though it doesn't seem that way right now) and forgive yourself for your mistakes and the things in your life you can't control.

    There is hope. You just need to let the past go.. take your time, focus on YOU instead of on other people, and in your case maybe rehab is a good idea. Those are some powerful addictions you have. Either way, it's better to get help than to try and do it alone. The internet is probably not the place for it, because most of 'them' are people like 'us'. Lots of issues that they're trying to solve.

    Well, my fingers hurt (medical thing) so that's enough for now. Good luck, sorry i acted on my annoyance at your 'advances', and please consider what i've said.

    Last chance to realize how much of a lying, self-involved, fucking unreal piece of shit you are before you waste any more time thinking anyone at all cares about you.
  • Re: My first 69...

    Sad Sunshine wrote:


    Hmmm... Most girls do not use the word P*ssy. I have many lesbian friends; (mostly lipstick/feminine lesbians,) but I do have a few BULL-DYKE friends that use that word. Are you one of those type; may I ask?? And what 'audience' do you speak of?? I did not realize I was on stage...

    You seem very angry and bitter scorn!!! did some1 recently trample upon your heart my dear?? I certainly hope not! It is a bad feeling...


    You can't write the word pussy? I guess that makes you a pussy now...
  • Re: My first 69...

    may13 wrote:

    I choose my avatar because it shows vaguely how I looked before and after shaving my head. And because Jack's a damn cool bitch. :)


    Does ur girlfriend know that u have a penis?? Jesus fucking CHRIST!!! you look like that guy from the movie 'hellraiser' with you head shaved and shit...

    what the fucke??? i bet you have a penis...nothing wrong with that;; this is our safe haven....feel free to tell us about it...

    love courtsunshien:love1:
  • Re: My first 69...

    Sad Sunshine wrote:

    what the fucke??? i bet you have a penis...nothing wrong with that;; this is our safe haven....feel free to tell us about it...

    love courtsunshien:love1:

    Sad Sunshine wrote:

    Please stay off of this thread. Start your own. Little pu**y boys are not allowed on here. Also, no minorities allowed!! Straight and lesbian gay penises!

    Sad Sunshine wrote:

    Sorry, i do not talk to homosexuals; nor black people....

    take care,


    Well, at least you are Lithurian. I have some respect; but none for the 'shanty Irish.' They are a bunch of drunk fuckers. Do u know that they built the titanic ship?? that is why it crashed. They made it while they were drunk!!! They did not build it properly...

    and the Irish want to blame it on an iceberg?? blame it on their drunken stupidity!!!

    Not Irish!,

    courteny & megan!!!

    I had to steal that last one from a CLOSED thread.

    Damn, just .. DAMN!
    >>>>[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Official TeenHut Tinychat!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]<<<<