Does She Like Me?

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    • Does She Like Me?

      Hi All,
      Look, Every year I go to the Europe and stay for 3 months. Now me and a girl just met there and it's turning into a love relationship spending about 8 straight hours Skypeing though we're next door. She's saying stuff like "between us is the love????????", and this part:
      her: It means that we were dating?
      Me: sorta...
      her: Love??
      Me: sorta... **** What happened!
      her: nothing
      me: yeah, nothing...

      And this:
      Her: Do you love me?
      me: what!??? do u?
      Her: We have a few
      me: commonalities or differences

      And we speak different languages, sorta. I sorta know Czech, enough to Skype her. She barely knows english, which is ok.

      And at the end we're asking when we wanna Skype again tomorrow.

      do we have a crush on each other?:roll eyes:

      today it was a bit different. now we both "sorta" admitted we were in love with each other.

      That don't use the love word doesn't
    • Re: Does She Like Me?

      A lot of what you said didn't make much sense but I'll try and help you.
      Love is a word used casually now adapts and I honestly don't think you're "in love" with this girl, but I do believe you all have a mutual crush on each other but you all aren't sure if you should admitt to one another.
      Keep on Skyping with each other there's no harm in doing so, just keep it a friendly level. Don't push each other to the Friend-Zone but don't force each other to feel things you all aren't sure about.

      I hope a lot of what I said made sense. Either way keep your hopes up high and your head down low.

      [SIZE=3]Iowaska Tea[/SIZE]
    • Ìîñêâà äåâî÷ê

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