My Best Friend and I Fight Constantly please help

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    • My Best Friend and I Fight Constantly please help

      Okay, here’s the thing. My friend and I have been fighting constantly. We fight and we get over it and we fight and we get over it and we fight and we get over it. I’ve been a real bitch and he’s been a grumpy asshole too. I’m not going to get into the actual fights because they’re pointless and I’m truly sick of speaking about them. We’ve both been through a lot in the past year; he came out of the closet in December and I fought (and continue to fight) with my depression (which I have medication for). We’ve been through some shit. A lot of it.
      The fighting is exhausting. I tell him I am going to try my hardest to not have this happen but he says he’s not going to set that promise because he feels he can’t live up to it.
      I’m going to England on the 5th and I feel like he won’t miss me nor will he want me to come back. I feel like he’s given up on me and our friendship and he’s not trying as hard as I do. He also says I try too hard. That really hurt my feelings too. He tells me not to worry about his happiness, but what a silly ass thing to say - he’s my best friend, I love him, of course I am going to try my best to have him happy. That’s what I think friends do; care for one another.
      I feel like he treats his other friends with much more positivity and openness than with me. It really hurts and I think it’s one of the main reasons we fight so damn much.
      I just need advice you guys. I love him; I can never give up on someone so important to me even if, for whatever reason, I mean next to shit to him. What do I do? We do talk about this a lot too by the way. How do I reduce the fighting? How do I show him that I care about him and it hurts me that my all efforts for him and the friendship go unnoticed and negatively recognized?
      Thank you guys so much, anything will help right about now.