Online relationship? Or just Friends!?

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    • Online relationship? Or just Friends!?

      Hey, I'm 17 and gay. Ive meet someone online that I really have feelings for hes 15 currently. We talk on Skype almost every night over voice and webcam chat. Ive never had feelings for someone like this before. He makes me happy and gives me a warm fuzzy felling inside. I didn't really believe in love until i met him.
      The problem is he in America and I'm in New Zealand and
      I have problems with not being able to show physical attraction to him hugs, cuddles ect.
      Also Should I accept the fact that our relationship will probably amount to nothing and we will just be online friends and nothing ales?
      Help I don't really know how to feel at the moment! :(

      The post was edited 1 time, last by WittyFrog ().

    • Re: Online relationship? Or just Friends!?

      You could present yourself before posting out here ! I think it will be reproach to you !

      Concerning your problem... I think it's a bad thing to have an online relationship with someone, because the distance will always be a problem, especially if you are in two different countries !
      When it's in the same, why not ! I already did it but the couple always breaks up !
      I think either you find your pleasure on this and you keep doing what brings you happiness, or you know you'll be sad to not be able to receive hugs, cuddles and you stop it !
    • Re: Online relationship? Or just Friends!?

      The problem is I am already very much attached to him. We have talked like every day for months almost a year. Not day seems goes by that I don't think about him I mean I wake up in the morning and think about him. I honestly think i'm in love.
      One side of me is saying Love has no boundaries. While the other is saying It will never work out because of the distance. I think when where both slightly older in a few years I would go meet him if I had the opportunity.

      I also haven't really talked to him about it much. I did ask him if he liked me once and he said yes but that's about all we have talked about on the matter.
    • Re: Online relationship? Or just Friends!?

      WittyFrog wrote:

      I think when where both slightly older in a few years I would go meet him if I had the opportunity.

      Exactly. You guys don't have to get into anything serious straight away. Keep on having fun, maintain a strong friendship online and and get to know each other even more. Then, like you said, maybe in the future you guys can meet up and see where it goes from there :)
      [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Silver"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][SIZE="2"] Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional! [/SIZE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
    • Re: Online relationship? Or just Friends!?

      hannah63 wrote:

      Exactly. You guys don't have to get into anything serious straight away. Keep on having fun, maintain a strong friendship online and and get to know each other even more. Then, like you said, maybe in the future you guys can meet up and see where it goes from there :)

      Hmm that sounds like some good advice, I think ill try do follow that.
      Thanks :)
    • Re: Online relationship? Or just Friends!?

      I know just where you're coming from so don't feel entirely alone in this situation.

      Just a year ago m boyfriend and I were in a long distance relationship and went on daily without any intimacy or physical communication. It was very hard in the two of us, to the point that we didn't know how much longer it could go on without seeing each other. We've been together for (it will be 4 years this December) and this year he's been living where I am has made us better. I met him at 14 and will be 18 in 2 months. I know that I gained maturity from this relationship by wanting to be with this person so much I waited for years.

      Know that if you really care for this person then you can have strength to wait for him however long it might take to be with him. I went through many doubts but I am thankful I never gave up. We're happy and healthy today and in just a couple of months we will be finding a place of our own.

      I wish you the very best of luck.
      You can make it no matter how far.
      Love > Distance
    • Re: Online relationship? Or just Friends!?

      I'm in this kind of situation right now, with a girl (I'm bi/lesbian). She lives in the US, but I'm in Canada... we eventually decided to just stay friends because it's better than nothing and long distance isn't worth it for us.

      If you both think you can do it, go for it. I'm in love with her and I wish I could be with her every day, but I fully support our decision not to date. Instead, I talk to her as often I can and choose to write poetry about her. lol

      It has it's pros and cons. If you're okay with not being able to see each other physically, I think that's the main thing. Skype every night is a plus, though. It's worth a shot, at least. If it doesn't work out you could always remain friends after.
      "Haters can keep hating, but I'm just gonna dance."
      - Patrick Kane; Chicago Blackhawks
    • Re: Online relationship? Or just Friends!?

      Blondstrom wrote:

      I'm in this kind of situation right now, with a girl (I'm bi/lesbian). She lives in the US, but I'm in Canada... we eventually decided to just stay friends because it's better than nothing and long distance isn't worth it for us.

      If you both think you can do it, go for it. I'm in love with her and I wish I could be with her every day, but I fully support our decision not to date. Instead, I talk to her as often I can and choose to write poetry about her. lol

      It has it's pros and cons. If you're okay with not being able to see each other physically, I think that's the main thing. Skype every night is a plus, though. It's worth a shot, at least. If it doesn't work out you could always remain friends after.

      Every day communication is what helped me through the struggle of missing him. Whether by phone or webcam, speaking became vital.