I haven't been happy in 2 years. Could someone just talk and share any advice

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    • I haven't been happy in 2 years. Could someone just talk and share any advice

      I am 17. When I was 12 my step mother died during a brain surgery, after that her 2 kids who I had known for years and lIved with they just up and left because they were teenagers at the time. 2 years ago I lost my real mother to breast cancer. My father has remarried, and moved so I have had to move away from everyone I have known and grown up with. I have not had a sense of family since my step mother died and her kids disbanded my father and I . I have not been happy in a few years because of the cumulative sadness and anger I constantly feel. I have questioned if I could take my own life for a few years now. But recently I have thought about it in more detail. I dont want to be sad anymore. I want y pain and failure to end. Ya school isn't easy either. I wish everything would end. Is there anyone who can maybe give me some advice. Or just someone who could talk. Thank you. P.s I'm writing this on my iPod so sorry for autocorrects.
    • Re: I haven't been happy in 2 years. Could someone just talk and share any advice

      You're not a failure. A failure is someone who would have given up on life already. You haven't, and you need to remember, the only person who can turn all this crap around, is you. So start now...work hard at school, involve yourself more with people, distract yourself with other responsibilities, get a new hobby, anything!. Make close friends, try to re-build the relationship with your dad. If anything, you've both got to rely on each other after the death of your stop mother. Life can be really shit sometimes, but you've got to just pick yourself up :)

      You have to consider why your dad moved away. Maybe after re-marrying, he simply wanted to forget his old life. Maybe it was a way of trying to start over.
      [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Silver"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][SIZE="2"] Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional! [/SIZE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]