Extreme pain.. and endometriosis?

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    • Extreme pain.. and endometriosis?

      So a little bit of background info.
      I've had my period for 6 years. it's always been irregular. my cycle varies from 21 to 48 days, if that tells you anything about it. it varies from really heavy bleeding to little to no bleeding. in january/february i started birth control for 2 months or so. it made me extremely depressed and i still had a bit of pain and everything but i was so depressed i had to get off the pill. after that, my doctor told me to go on yaz but I didnt want to considering it had been on commercials getting sued for causing more health problems o_o

      SO basically i'm 3 months or so off birth control and i haven't really had much of a period at all. it's been little to no bleeding. well, i was supposed to start my period 4 days ago and for the past week i've had really horrible excruciating cramps. i've had horrible migraines and mood swings and depression and everything, too. but these stomach pains are fricken intense. and they're a little bit different than regular menstrual cramps. my aunt had endometriosis and had to get an ovarian cyst removed. my grandma also had endometriosis.

      do you think it's possible i have it? i haven't been able to eat anything at all for the last 2 days and i'm extremely nauseous and tired and my period still hasn't started. ugh this stomach pain is literally the worst i've ever felt in my life

    • Re: Extreme pain.. and endometriosis?

      As far as Yaz goes, you have to realize that what happened to those people in the commercials almost always had pre-existing medical issues to begin with, not to mention the fact that its VERY VERY VERY rare to experience something that serious while on the birth control. They have commercials like that for all types of shit, I saw one yesterday for the birth control I'm on. Fuck it, I know that its not even a small chance in hell for those things to happen to me, so you might as well not even make it a concern in your head. That being said, you should ask your doctor if you can switch to a different pill, or maybe try a different form of birth control. I had huge issues with my first pill that I took, so I switched to Nuvaring and absolutely love it. I was going to give up on birth control as well after my first awful experience with the pill, but I knew I just had to find one that was right for me.

      If your stomach pains are that severe, you should make an appointment with your doctor. You should expect your period to be thrown off from the birth control, it will take some time before it regulates again. Have you tried taking some medicine for your problems, such as an anti-nausea and pain pill? The only way to know if you do have Endometriosis is if you go to the doctor and get it looked at. They'll do an ultrasound on your cervix to see if you do indeed have ovarian cysts. More likely then not, they manage to go away on their own, and birth control can help not only control the cysts, but the pain as well.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: Extreme pain.. and endometriosis?

      Ahhh oh my gosh thank you!

      I'm going to a different doctor, one that my moms gone to for years. My period has been fucked up for as long as I can even remember. but it hasn't balanced out yet. This month my period is ridiculously heavy and I haven't eaten still. -__-
      My mom thinks that a holistic like weird natural herb doctor is the way to go because I've been taking this stuff that supposedly gets rid of my cramps and shit but no, I still have the mood swings and it doesn't regulate my period at all.
      I talked to my aunt last night about it and yesterday I took 2 pain killers and 2 ibuprofin, all at the same time, oh and a subscribed headache pill. But I still had a migraine and I still had stomach pains.
      I think I'm going to go on a new birth control pill... I'm seeing a doctor this week hopefully.

      But seriously thank you so much.