Boyfriend Addicted

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    • Boyfriend Addicted

      My boyfriend is 20 and has been PC gaming from the time he was able to use a mouse pretty much. He tells me that it's pretty much an addiction for him because he couldn't see himself without his computer or games.

      His roommate is 32 years old and he too remains on his computer the max of his day. (He just so happens to be overweight because he doesn't do anything else except for sit at his desk playing roles laying games.) Needless to say, my boyfriend's only friends are those that he knows from online and play the games he plays. The only person who will agree and side with me is is mother, but she also understands that his computer and gaming lifestyle is all he ever really does and it really is a joy of his.

      I'm not too fond of it.

      What I really dislike is he telling me that this lifestyle of his is something I'll just have to get use to, which I of course understand.. I knew what I was getting myself into when we began dating. I'm very strong on the idea that this is unhealthy for him, but he loves it. Being that we don't currently live together, he is rarely playing games while I'm around, but reminds me that once were livig together I'll need to become used to not having his full attention all the time as usual.

      More and more I've begun to accept his "hobby," but even just knowing he's on a game can tick me off sometimes and I don't fully understand why.

      If he had his way he would work online, he told me so. He likes to get out and do things with me, don't get me wrong. In fact, we want to live on the beach.
      I just feel like his "Passion, joy, hobby, thing he really loves to do in life" takes over a lot. When I'm not around he will be on his computer into the early morning, sleeping until 5 sometimes. He even tells me "Whats the point of really showering if I don't see you ever day?"

      Am I just a girlfriend that doesn't understand? Is my
      Boyfriend too excessive with his games? I need to know how to be less "naggy" and more understanding.
    • Re: Boyfriend Addicted

      Probably better belongs in the advice forums, but I completely understand him. :lol:
      It's fine to play games and enjoy them, but you don't want to become the neckbeard like his roommate is.
      You said that he likes doing this with you, and I'd suggest to keep doing things out in the "real world", encourage him to make other friends, and find different hobbies to pass the time.
      Video games are fun, but if I were to move in with someone who plays all the time, then that's going to put a damper on you.
      He's definitely got an issue, and it might stem maybe from his own social issues. I play games as well, but I've been playing less and less as I've socialized more.
    • Re: Boyfriend Addicted

      Get off your boyfriend's dick let him play DEM GAIMZ. They are the best thing to ever happen to humanity. Some of you ladies just haven't fully adapted to this change yet. Btw, you are only 17 and your BF is 20. Your relationship with him would be illegal in a lot of states

      The post was edited 2 times, last by V1NC3 ().

    • Re: Boyfriend Addicted

      saying things like you'll have to get used to this and not have attention is selfish and overall just fuckin weird. not to mention not having any real friends cause your online so much. and the not showering thing just cause he won't see you....grimy. i mean i've gone every other day, on a rare occasion maybe even 2 days without a shower, but this sounds like if you went on a family vacation for a week or two he wouldn't leave his computer desk the whole time.

      a hobby is nice. an unhealthy obsession.....not so much
    • Re: Boyfriend Addicted

      skillet9980 wrote:

      saying things like you'll have to get used to this and not have attention is selfish and overall just fuckin weird. not to mention not having any real friends cause your online so much. and the not showering thing just cause he won't see you....grimy. i mean i've gone every other day, on a rare occasion maybe even 2 days without a shower, but this sounds like if you went on a family vacation for a week or two he wouldn't leave his computer desk the whole time.

      a hobby is nice. an unhealthy obsession.....not so much

      I do go on vacation often, in fact just 2 weeks ago I returned from being on a 2 week vacation out of state. Whether I'm at my house, school, or on vacation he tends to be attached to his computer because he has nothing else going on in his life. With his new game coming out in just a week he has already told me that he is going to be on it almost constantly because he's been looking forward to playing this for a long time.

      While I understand that he truly loves to play on his computer, he doesn't listen to me when I tell him that it's unhealthy to be on it so much. His mother and I are both in agreement, but even she knows how much she loves gaming and computers because she's lived with him his whole life. I feel like there's a difference between getting used to my boyfriend being a gamer, and then getting used to my boyfriend constantly gaming.
    • Re: Boyfriend Addicted

      Knocturne wrote:

      I do go on vacation often, in fact just 2 weeks ago I returned from being on a 2 week vacation out of state. Whether I'm at my house, school, or on vacation he tends to be attached to his computer because he has nothing else going on in his life. With his new game coming out in just a week he has already told me that he is going to be on it almost constantly because he's been looking forward to playing this for a long time.

      While I understand that he truly loves to play on his computer, he doesn't listen to me when I tell him that it's unhealthy to be on it so much. His mother and I are both in agreement, but even she knows how much she loves gaming and computers because she's lived with him his whole life. I feel like there's a difference between getting used to my boyfriend being a gamer, and then getting used to my boyfriend constantly gaming.

      yea, I have a 360, and I play it. not that much cause I work and have other things going on though. when ALL you do, or WANNA do is play video games, that's like when ALL you wanna do is smoke crack. well that makes you a crackhead, and it's unhealthy. it's an unhealthy obsession to be that into video games. do yourself a favor and get out now cause it's not gonna be worth the time