I think I'm doing the right thing, am I?

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    • I think I'm doing the right thing, am I?

      Okay, so one day I was at my friends house (I work on his farm) and I got buzzed, and while I was buzzed I thought it would be a great idea to text message my "friend" this long message. It was actually pretty creepy and we talked very little and it ended. I called her 5 days ago and she was at the movie theaters and couldn't talk, so I said I'd call her later. She didn't answer. So I kindof knew she wasn't interested, but then my friend (who's a big tweeter) saw some tweets from her saying "I wish I had a phone charger so I could talk to you all night". So I thought her phone was dead when I called her. I wasn't going to do anything and then later my friend started reading from her tweets that she's pissed, and I assumed it was for me (being the idiot I am).
      Then I sent this long text telling her off. That's when she sent back a text explaining that the tweets weren't for me and how creepy I am to her. I sent her a message like this:
      Me- "Sorry for whoever pissed you off, but I still don't give a shit.
      and btw I was buzzed when I sent that 1st message."
      I find it kind of funny and kind of embarrassing. I highly doubt she's ever going to talk to me or forgive me, but did I save myself more embarrassment by telling her I don't give a shit? Because she practically views me as a huge creep now.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by g4w4gg ().

    • Re: I think I'm doing the right thing, am I?

      So you sent her a text and she didn't seem interested, so a few days later you called her and she said she didnt want to talk, then you called her again she didn't answer and you decided she doesn't like, Your fine so far. Then your buddy told you about some tweets and you automatically thought they were about you, I assume becase your the only person she has ever talked to, and you got all pissy and told her to go fuck herself. I would have to say that yeah your pretty fucking creepy. What exactly don't you give a shit about?
      Look at yourself in the mirror and tell me what a man is without pride, tell me what a man is without fire in his eyes.