What's happening to us?

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    • What's happening to us?

      My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year and a half. I'm not going to be one of those girlfriends that sits here and says that "I love him so much!" and so on and so forth. Yes, I love him, but that's irrelevant right now. Okay, so my problem is this: I rarely get to see him. Every time I try to make plans to see him, he doesn't help me. It's as if he doesn't care if I see him one way or another. Also, every night, he tells me this: I love and miss you. He never actually says, "I love you." He's never even said it in person. We've kissed once, but I'm not complaining about that. I just don't feel like he's being sincere in what he tells me anymore. His phone is always getting lost or dying when I try to talk to him. I can see him almost every other Sunday. The problem is that he's always practicing. He won't even stop for a few minutes just to spend time with me.

      Here's the kicker to the whole thing, though. I think I'm starting to like someone else. I still really like him. In fact, I love my boyfriend, but the guy I like actually goes to my high school. I can see him every day, and he listens to everything I have to say. I need a lot of support through my life because of my past. When I first started dating him, he was really supportive, and he listened to everything. Now, he couldn't care less, or at least it feels like it. I know that people change, but I can't help but feel like I said or did something to deserve this. I just want to know why this is all happening to me. He knows everything. So does the guy I like. I seriously cry myself to sleep every night trying to figure my life out. I'm so confused. Please, did I do something from what you can tell?
    • Re: What's happening to us?

      Your boyfriend doesn't seem as caring as the other guy. Try to talk to your boyfriend about spending more time together. If you keep having problems with him, you should get with the guy who's nice to you. You didn't do anything wrong, you made an effort, that's all you were supposed to do. He's the one who did something wrong

      YOLO; FISH
    • Re: What's happening to us?

      It's not that. I'm not breaking up with him so there won't be any "letting him down easy." Thanks, but no thanks. Honestly, I am in love with who he is, but I am still IN love with him. Being in love with him requires that I love who he is, right? Anyway, I wasn't really asking what I should do about the situation. I know that I need to talk to him. Everyone I talk to about this tells me that I should just let him go. I can't. He's been there for me through so much. Besides, why would I let him go without talking to him? He's not a mind reader so he can't just tell what I'm thinking and he can't tell what's wrong unless I say something. I just wanted to know if this was a phase that all couples go through. Do all couples go through a phase when they just want to be left alone but they don't want to let go of each other? That's all I want to know. I'm not trying to sound rude about any of this, but it's just how I feel.

      I've also decided that I really only like the other guy for listening to me. He and I really couldn't work as a couple. I never actually considered us as a couple anyway, but I've learned that I get crushes on other guys for listening to me when I need someone to talk to. It's not a real crush. I know that probably sounds bad, but..

      Anyone, thanks for your opinions.
    • Re: What's happening to us?

      Well yes every couple goes through wanting some space, but the difference is not all couples stop talking and listening to each other.
      Talk to him about everything your feeling, if he listens and try's to change he is worth it, if he doesn't he isn't. And then you really should break up with him like everyone's saying. Now if the second way is how it goes I wouldn't recommend dating anyone you need to give yourself time before break ups. If you all break up be a teen and have fun don't tie yourself down to soon.

      Good luck!
    • Re: What's happening to us?

      Is this new guys attention worth more than a marriage with your boyfriend?

      Honest question because that will give you your answer. And also dont feel "Trapped in time"
      sometimes people stay in a relationship just because they have been in it for so long. I dont believe in dumping someone too quickly and I think you should talk to your boyfriend about this, tell him almost exactly what you wrote in this post (except that you like someone else lol) and if hes just not changing give someone else a shot at it:)
    • Re: What's happening to us?

      I agree, you love your boyfriend and you obviously had something once, but you've lost communication. You need to talk to him, if he agrees to change give him a chance. But if he doesn't, I'm sorry but no matter how much you love him it is time to let him go, one sided relationships are unhealthy and if he won't change he obviously doesn't love you back
    • Re: What's happening to us?

      I broke it off. He'll be going to college on the opposite coast and I know that we'll end up breaking up anyway. I don't want to end on a bad note or suffer through the heartache for more than I have to. I found out that the other guy has liked me for two years. He waited. He's still waiting. He's tried asking out five girls within he past two years, but they've all said no. He even told me he only kind of liked them. The thing that almost put me in tears? He waited two years for me. It's been really hard for him to not say anything for the past two weeks since we've had band camp together. He's agreed to wait a little while longer for me so that I can cope with my recent break up. He's a great guy. They both are, but one relationship is healthier than another.
    • Re: What's happening to us?

      Cut off the relation which there is no more willingness of the other to extend his effort to be with you in times you need him. I guest, the guy you liked will be a perfect instrument to make easy break up with your less care boy friend . Why still staying in a relationship if there is the lackness of contribution of the partner ? Start something new with somebody new.