My parents despise black people. How do I tell them I'm talking to a black guy?

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    • My parents despise black people. How do I tell them I'm talking to a black guy?

      I'm sixteen and I have been talking to a black guy for about a month now. He's honestly the perfect guy for me. Doesn't smoke, or drink, gets good grades, all about sports, etc. He makes me really happy & he even told me he loved me already. I really like him and want to be with him but the thing is, my parents hate black people. They don't ever want me to have a black boyfriend. They keep making racist remarks about them and it really annoys me. I can't imagine how they'll react when they found out that I'm talking to this guy. I have to tell them because I suffered the consequences of not telling them about my last boyfriend. They don't trust me anymore. But the thing is, I feel that I'm gonna have to go behind their backs and see him because I know for a fact they're not gonna accept him just because he's black. It's ridiculous, I don't want to go behind their backs. I won't ever forgive them if they tell me that I can't see him JUST BECAUSE HES BLACK -____- there's nothing wrong with black people, they're human beings! Yeah, they're stereotyped in a bad way, but this guy is not like that. But I know my parents won't have it. I just wanna tell them so i wont keep it a secret anymore but I'm afraid of what they'll do. How can I tell them? I'm planning to tell my mom first because she's more understanding than my dad. How should I do it and tell them he's actually a really good guy? HELP
    • Re: My parents despise black people. How do I tell them I'm talking to a black guy?

      Other than telling them the truth (that you are talking to a black guy) is to come up with a situation that sounds worse.

      I'm sure we're all familiar with the girls that pull the "letter trick". (Example: "I'm pregnant and ran away with the boy I met at the game, I will see you in six months once we get settles down... blah, blah, blah... just kidding, mom and dad, there's much worse than getting a B on a test. I'm at study school with Mark... I'll be back at 7:30.")

      Otherwise, asking them why they don't like black people might help. Maybe they just happened to come from/go to a place where the black people were rough, or rude or something and immediately developed that stereotype.
      time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine