I need some help

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    • I need some help

      My relationship is a bit weird. My girlfriend and I are both 17 and we've been dating this girl for almost 2 years and i love her to death except there are a lot of problems. We are basically total opposites and in order to make her happy i have to seem very mature and basically have to agree with her or else she gets she says i never see eye to eye with her. She says i'm a totally different person when i'm with my friends but that's actually who i am she just doesn't want to believe it. i know it seems we aren't meant for each other but she has been hurt and left by all of her friends and i am the only person she has. She sees this as a relationship that will go to marriage but i want to live my life and do everything i want that she has held me back from, so i don't want to continue to marriage. i know it sounds like i should break up with her but that's where it gets tricky. as i said before she has no friends because they all hurt her well during that she got very depressed and cut herself and almost comitted suicide and i'm afraid if i were ever to leave her she would hurt herself (or worse...) because she will think that everyone in her life will just abandon her. she also has a counselor but hates her because she has a very hard time trusting people and telling them her feelings. she also hates just about every single person on the planet because they are all "stupid" she doesn't give herself a chance to get to know people.
      She's kind of a controlling person and expects me to see to her every needs but won't fulfill mine. Also i like to see my friends a lot but i'm "not allowed to" as much because she gets jealous that i have friends. i have tried bringing her when i hangout but they all think she is a total bitch. Every time i want to go somewhere it seems to always break into a fight because she has expectations of me that are very hard to reach.
      i know that i should be with her and fulfill her needs because i love her but shouldn't she at least respect my needs too. i know she has gone through a lot but i'm just sick of being left behind and getting nothing out of this relationship. also she used to put out sexually but now she seems to have slowed down. we don't have sex but the stuff we do is all for her and she doesn't do anything for me. she tells me she wants to please me but never goes through with anything.
      i'm just stuck in this relationship where i can't see a safe solution and i need help
      thank you
    • Re: I need some help

      You really aren't meant for each other. Break up with her dude, you deserve better.

      If she loved you, she wouldn't want to change you or make you feel this way.

      Ever thought that the reason her friends all abandoned her is due to her being a huge selfish bitch?

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Black"]When the city sleeps, I'm wide awake.
      You know what I see? High rises. Low lifes.
      Bright lights and back alleys.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
