Do you feel humiliated/embarrassed when admitting that you're wrong and apologizing?

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    • Do you feel humiliated/embarrassed when admitting that you're wrong and apologizing?

      Does (admitting to) being wrong/apologizing make you feel humiliated/embarrassed? 13
        Yes, a lot. (Like me or worse, if it's even possible) (5) 38%
        Yes, a little (but not as bad as me). (2) 15%
        No, not at all. (5) 38%
        Other ? (please specify in your post) (1) 8%
      I do. And it's making life so difficult it's ridiculous.

      I'm at a point in life where I'm trying to figure myself out and the world, much like most teens I guess. That entails making mistakes, inevitably, and learning from them, too.
      The problem with that is that we all have ego/pride (whatever you call it) and sometimes, it just stands in the way.

      Admitting that I’m wrong to other people just feels so wrong. So embarrassing. So humiliating. It’s to the point I grew up to be one of those annoying people that even keep defending something that they know is incorrect just so that they wouldn’t have to acknowledge that they are wrong in a debate, sometimes.

      Or when I’ve adamantly been defending something I truly believed to be right and my opponent just strikes me down with that argument I would have never seen coming to which the only thing I can reply is silence… I just feel like dying . Right there.

      Apologizing… The situation of the other person being “above” me, looking down upon me thinking about whether they should reject me or not… It’s surreal. The awkwardness I feel is too big to put into words. It’s that disgusting feeling that mercilessly wrenches your insides and drains you of all your energy. It’s just pure humiliation.

      Even acknowledging my wrongs to myself is a problem, so how could I find it easy to acknowledge my wrongs to others? When something goes wrong I always do everything to convince myself that it was other people who were at fault. The idea that I might have been wrong just awakens the viscera-eating monster feeling again and so I double my efforts to look for ways to prove that I’m right to calm it down.
      And only to make it worse, I have pretty low self-confidence, so even when I’m right during an argument I tend to have a feeling that the other probably knows better and that I’m talking nonsense.
      This is why I feel an enormous amount of stress when I have to debate something with other people. I’m just scared of being wrong again, of coming across as stupid, of feeling stupid.

      The worst part is that I don’t even know why I feel so bad about making mistakes and admitting it to others. When I re-read myself, I have a feeling that I’m making a huge deal out of something ludicrously insignificant, yet no matter what my brains tell me, my emotions just keep acting stupid and making me feel bad.

      It’s making it really hard for me to evolve and mature with time, for you need to learn from your mistakes and thus have to be able to admit that you made a mistake in the first place.
      My fear of humiliation and embarrassment also makes it so that I have social anxiety (kind of) which makes it also really hard for me to just go out there, make friends and have fun without caring so much.

      I feel like I’m missing out on life.

      It just ruins my life and gets in the way.

      I’m sorry for repeating and writing so much, but I’m frustrated and venting…

      So my questions are:

      1. Do you have trouble admitting you were wrong to yourself and others and apologizing for your wrongs, too?
      Please, tell me how you feel then, even if you don’t have advice, just reading that there are other people like me could be comforting already.

      2. Or do you, much to the contrary, admit you’re wrong and apologize without a blush or even a hint of embarrassment?
      If you do, know that people like you are a myth to me… Tell me more about it in your post, please. I’ve always thought that feeling at least some embarrassment in such a situation is something everybody does, but maybe I’m unfairly generalizing my experience. And I hope I am! Reading your posts might give me more hope that I’ll be able to stop acting so crazy and just be a normal human being one day.

      3. Do you have advice with regards to how I could stop feeling so humiliated, embarrassed and awkward when I’m wrong (and have to acknowledge it and apologize for my mistake)?

      4. Do you know too why feelings of embarrassment and humiliation often result from admitting to making a mistake and being wrong?
      I’ve always thought you need to identify the cause of a problem before being able to solve it, hence the question.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by CrystalColoredRainbow ().

    • Re: Do you feel humiliated/embarrassed when admitting that you're wrong and apologizi


      I don't have trouble admitting my mistakes, but that's because I've fucked up so many aspects of my life with excellent consistency! I think having too much ego or pride in your situation could be something to do with your fear for being wrong?

      You need to learn to love yourself a bit more and accept that you'll be the only person that will remain with you your whole existence! I think it's great you had enough courage to really think about the issue and type this topic out.
    • Re: Do you feel humiliated/embarrassed when admitting that you're wrong and apologizi

      Not really. Usually I don't state facts though— just opinions, so I'm not often "wrong" (that is not supposed to sound the way it does lol). If I am wrong, it makes me look less stupid to just smile and say "oops, you're right, my mistake!" than to continue to argue something, especially if everybody knows I'm wrong.
    • Re: Do you feel humiliated/embarrassed when admitting that you're wrong and apologizi

      I don't think anyone likes to admit they've made a mistake, especially after defending your side for a while. It makes me feel absolutely ridiculous especially if it causes a huge deal over nothing.
      It is a lot easier to admit you are wrong right when you realize that you are though. This way, there's less of a chance that the argument gets carried away and less of a chance of you feeling stupid later.

      To feel less bad about admitting that you're wrong, just think about how you would feel in the other person's shoes. When all is said and done, do you admire people that admit they're wrong right away or the people that continue to argue when its obvious that you've made your point?
    • Re: Do you feel humiliated/embarrassed when admitting that you're wrong and apologizi

      Yes. I'm almost exactly like you are. I hate admitting I'm wrong.. actually, I don't think I've ever seriously done it. Because I can't, and I feel too embarrased anyway so I make up some excuse, or say Okay if they accuse me, but never say "Yes, I am wrong." However, I never argue my opinion because I feel stupid if I do that. I just move on in hope they have too. I just feel stupid to admit anything if I've already made myself look stupid by trying to cover it. It's all because of embarassment though. I hate being wrong, like I really hate it. Ever since I was a kid, I never raised (still don't) raise my hand to answer a question in fear of being wrong and feeling humiliated. And honestly, it's not even that humiliating. I just feel like it is. I only do if I'm one hundred percent correct... but I still rarely do it. It's not a ego thing or anything, I just don't want to be pointed out because I get embarassed quite easily and I'm a quiet person, so it's easier just not to attempt it. However, I've fucked up a lot already, and now I can admit it was wrong and stupid, I laugh at those mistakes now. I just contridicted myself, I know, but I can admit, usually, that I'm wrong long after it happens. Just not right at the moment, unless it's a super minor, stupid and laughable situation maybe.

      The above posts actually have good advice though lol, so I think I'm going to have to start changing my little problem here by thinking more of how others would feel. However, I always do that, but it never seems to happen to the people who I've messed up with/been wrong/whatever never admit they are wrong either, they think they are always right, so that's why it's harder for me. I just feel weak or something, and I feel weak by not admitting and by admitting or being in a position where they accuse me yet I didn't actually do anything wrong.. ah idk!! :P Sorry for such a long post though, I was just.. reflecting and realizing more things. :P I'm glad to know I'm not the only one though.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Scarlet ().

    • Re: Do you feel humiliated/embarrassed when admitting that you're wrong and apologizi

      Most of the time if someone corrects me, I'll just laugh it off. No point getting embarrassed - anyone could have said it :)
      [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Silver"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][SIZE="2"] Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional! [/SIZE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
    • Re: Do you feel humiliated/embarrassed when admitting that you're wrong and apologizi

      I put other, because there are certain people I don't like being wrong around. But for the most part it just is what it is and it's no big deal. No one's right all the time. The person who can admit they were wrong looks a lot smarter than the one who knows the truth when he hears it and still denies denies denies.