Sex with best friend's mom

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    • Sex with best friend's mom

      I need you guys to take this seriously, it is really not a joke. Sorry if it's kind of long

      My best friend has always been my next door neighbor. We've been neighbors and friends ever since we were 3. His mom has been divorced for almost 10 years now and hasn't gotten into another relationship (to my knowledge) since then. My best friend and his mom are also moving soon, like in 3 weeks from today. My best friend is on vacation though spending his last bit of time with some of his own friends (we go to different schools). His mom has been putting for sale almost everything in her house on Craigslist because she is moving into an apartment and doesn't need 3/4 of the stuff she has. She is kind of afraid of Craigslist though, so every time she is scheduled to see people buy stuff or have them look around, she calls me to come over and protect her since she is all by herself which is fine, I'm cool with that. I just watch TV, study for SAT, and I help her move around furniture sometimes

      The second time she called me over to protect her was when it all started. The group of people that were scheduled to come that day and buy stuff had just left and I was just laying on the couch deciding to finish watching the Olympics for 2 or 3 more minutes before I leave. I don't want to turn this into some crazy erotica so I am just gonna say, long story short, she seduced me into giving me oral and it all trailed from there. My best friend's mom has never done this before but she has been wearing lots of tight clothing recently and has been really outdoing herself in the make up department probably in an attempt to find a new boyfriend and that is one of the factors that really caught me at the time. I hate to say this, but I almost feel like we can actually become a couple because I know everything about her, so it feels like I already have this strong emotional attachment towards her right now along with the physical

      She has called me over to "protect" her 2 more times now since then, but my best friend comes back from vacation soon and I really want to end this NOW. The evil part of me doesn't want to though so I don't know what to do :( I'm sorry if I sound like some sort of horny low life, but you have to be in my shoes to really understand what it's like or was like. Please help

      The post was edited 6 times, last by austin19994 ().

    • Re: Sex with best friend's mom

      Well, sometimes an emotional attachment like that can be hard to break off - whether it is with an older woman or not.

      Due to the circumstances of course you're going to have to break it off, but I feel that you'll also have to tell your best friend as otherwise he can become extremely upset with you if he finds out from someone else. Secrets always come out in the end, so I doubt there's a chance it'll be hidden forever. But if you do choose to tell him, take equal blame in the matter - you could have quite easily said no. Also, if you make it out that it was all his mum's fault for seducing you, then that can cause a lot of personal issues for him and also break the relationship between himself and his mother.

      By the information you've given, it doesn't sound like she feels anything similar, other than being horny herself due to not having a relationship as far as you know for ten years. Although, I could be wrong as I don't know the complete story.

      Good luck, I hope it all works out for you.

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Black"]When the city sleeps, I'm wide awake.
      You know what I see? High rises. Low lifes.
      Bright lights and back alleys.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

    • Re: Sex with best friend's mom

      I didn't say to say it's her fault, did I? I said take equal blame as you could have easily said no - it takes two to tango dumbass.

      It's not your problem he has a bad relationship with her, but you'll just make it worse if he finds out through someone else.

      Just tell him - take equal blame and not be a little pussy and push it all onto her for seducing you. If you didn't consent - it's rape. Which according to your story, it's far from it.

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Black"]When the city sleeps, I'm wide awake.
      You know what I see? High rises. Low lifes.
      Bright lights and back alleys.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

    • Re: Sex with best friend's mom

      Likely dude it's just been a long time and it was about that time for her. Don't think or expect to get into a real relationship with this girl who could be your mom, but more importantly is already your best friend's mom. It's not gonna end well...
      [COLOR="black"]When I'm not fighting mountain lions for sport, I read about broken homes, teenage depression, and other such life-improving awesomeness cause I'm weird like that[/COLOR]
    • Re: Sex with best friend's mom

      If you're not willing to tell your friends mom, then you're going to need to confront your best friends mother about this and express the importance of not letting the incident because known to anyone besides the two of you. It really would be best to tell your friend, my parents also split up, and I too hate and blame my mother for it. However if you know that you're friend is mature enough to handle this, then you really need to tell him dude. It's going to hurt your relationship with him, and his relationship with his mother, but in the end it's going to be best for him. If you really care for your friend then you need to do what's best for him and inform him of what went on, maybe he'll forgive you, maybe he won't, but you need to take responsibility for your involvement in the matter. Like I stated previously though, the only other (sort of) secure option is to talk to your friends mother about it and try to not let it get out, I'm not going to beat around the bush though, this would be extremely selfish of you and your friends mother if you actually did this.

      I mean come on dude, banging your best friends mom? That's one of the top 5 things you can do to break the bro code. Hell it's taboo if anything. Good luck man, let's hope you make the right decision.
      “It is quite possible that we can do greater things than Jesus, for what is written in the Bible about him is poetically embellished.” Albert Einstein
    • Re: Sex with best friend's mom

      scottywinters wrote:

      How old are you? If you are under 18, she has to take full responsibility for your fling. I know this sounds harsh on her but "she took advantage of you". She is older and should know better.

      Let's not pretend that people under 18 have no brain and can't make decisions for themselves. I think we all know better than that. Although if you were under 18, it does make what she did worse, she hardly forced him into it.

      You need to end it. Although you're emotionally involved, it doesn't sound as though she is. Also, you've pretty much taken the bro code and shoved it up your 'best friend's arse. Some best mate you are!