Looking For Skin Tips :P

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    • Looking For Skin Tips :P

      16, going on junior year, and I've had acne on and off since I was about 12. Wondering if anyone was using any products that have helped them out quite a bit? I've tried clearasil, proactive, and a few others for about 3months each, and haven't had much progress. My acne isn't bad, but of course, it still bugs the crap outa me. My physician suggested me some at one point, but I have very sensitive skin so it didn't turn out too well and he didn't know what else to give me.

      My Diet - I lack a sweet tooth so I'm not into candy, soda, or anything really with a lot of sugar. (love it because it also makes it easy to manage my teeth ^_^) I eat lots of fruit, along with a salad from time to time.
      forgot to add, I pretty much only drink smart water(occasionally the well water from home), coffee, black teas, and Lipton diet green tea
      Washing - I shower 2-3 times a day and I've been washing my face using some proactive body wash stuff I got with my package lately.

      Activity - I'm a runner, so currently I'm running for cross country.

      Lifestyle - I try to live a very content lifestyle, however at home I deal with an ocean of stress due to some family disputes and I have to watch over my 27 year old mentally handicapped brother. So I guess stress could be the reason for my acne.
      “It is quite possible that we can do greater things than Jesus, for what is written in the Bible about him is poetically embellished.” Albert Einstein

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Derik Ω ().

    • Re: Looking For Skin Tips :P

      You seem to be doing everything right, drinking lots of water, getting enough rest, and exercising are all things that aid healthy skin. Except....you shower two/three times a day? If you over-wash your skin it will cause dryness and make you break out more, so try not to take too many showers, but definitely wash your face when you wake up and when you go to bed.
      As far as products go, I've never had any luck with acne kits such as proactive or clearasil, if anything it seemed to dry out my skin more and lead me to more break outs. I do like clean and clear morning burst for a face wash though, its not harsh but it does remove all the oil/dirt buildup in my pores.
    • Re: Looking For Skin Tips :P

      Kahlee wrote:

      You seem to be doing everything right, drinking lots of water, getting enough rest, and exercising are all things that aid healthy skin. Except....you shower two/three times a day? If you over-wash your skin it will cause dryness and make you break out more, so try not to take too many showers, but definitely wash your face when you wake up and when you go to bed.
      As far as products go, I've never had any luck with acne kits such as proactive or clearasil, if anything it seemed to dry out my skin more and lead me to more break outs. I do like clean and clear morning burst for a face wash though, its not harsh but it does remove all the oil/dirt buildup in my pores.

      I don't usually take hot showers :P I take 2-3 a day because it helps with stress, and because of workouts, so I generally just take cold/lukewarm showers. Would taking so many showers be fine if I just didn't focus on scrubbing my face as much? Ooo and if you don't mind me asking, where do you live in Alaska, I used to live in North Pole(20minutes from Fairbanks :P)
      “It is quite possible that we can do greater things than Jesus, for what is written in the Bible about him is poetically embellished.” Albert Einstein

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Derik Ω ().

    • Re: Looking For Skin Tips :P

      Like Kahlee said, I think if you just don't scrub or even really touch your face with all those showers you take your acne might get a little better. I was going to say try cutting out all the sugar you have, but it looks like you already have a healthy lifestyle! I think it's all probably due to stress, even though I'm not a one hundred percent believe that stress causes acne especially since you seem to have a good diet and all in the first place, however in your case that just might be it. Have you tried benzoyl peroxide?

      Oh, and of course if you get acne it's probably hormonal if anything as well.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Scarlet ().

    • Re: Looking For Skin Tips :P

      Scarlet wrote:

      Like Kahlee said, I think if you just don't scrub or even really touch your face with all those showers you take your acne might get a little better. I was going to say try cutting out all the sugar you have, but it looks like you already have a healthy lifestyle! I think it's all probably due to stress, even though I'm not a one hundred percent believe that stress causes acne especially since you seem to have a good diet and all in the first place, however in your case that just might be it. Have you tried benzoyl peroxide?

      Oh, and of course if you get acne it's probably hormonal if anything as well.

      I'm 95% sure that's the stuff my doctor prescribed, if so then it dried out my skin and irritated it quite a bit. All I know is that there's was one that I need to use on my face in the morning and one that I needed to use at night.

      ---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------

      I also have a wee bit on my shoulders if that helps your analysis any.
      “It is quite possible that we can do greater things than Jesus, for what is written in the Bible about him is poetically embellished.” Albert Einstein
    • Re: Looking For Skin Tips :P

      It's most likely just do the the hormonal changes in your body, as you finish growing your skin will probably get much better.

      As for cleansers and washes, etc I highly recommend one of the following:

      -Rubbing moistened oatmeal on your face as a scrub, including all the milky juices!
      -An easy mask consisting of 1 tblspoon honey, oats, and a bit of olive oil (you might not need the extra highdration, and sounds crazy but trust me on this one, the oil is GOOD for your skin. The particles are too big to clog your pores).
      -a tiny bit of cooled green tea mixed with plain sugar, mixed to a paste. Use this as a scrub, the antioxidants and sugar will buff away dead skin and liven it up!

      A good bought drugstore cleanser is Cetaphil, ugly bottle but works great! It's gentle and good for sensitive skin :)

      Good luck!
    • Re: Looking For Skin Tips :P

      umeshsharma723 wrote:

      [FONT=&quot]As per the information provided by you it is quite evident that you have oily skin type, most care requiring of all. Apart from all the diet regimes that you follow there is a genuine need to follow a strict skin care regimes and add natural remedies to your medications.[/FONT]
      [FONT=&quot]Cleanse your skin with a mild cleanser every night before you go to sleep and moisturize it. Oily skin requires three to four times scrubbing schedules in a week. Treating your skin with steam opens the pores and reduces acne to a great extent.[/FONT]
      [FONT=&quot]You can also switch over certain natural home remedies like treating your acne with the paste of basil leaves or applying a face pack of multani clay.:)[/FONT]

      My skin's actually pretty dry :P

      ---------- Post added at 10:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ----------

      My skin's been looking much better though since I started taking less showers ^^ so thanks for the tips, I'm going to try out meditation to work through my stress.
      “It is quite possible that we can do greater things than Jesus, for what is written in the Bible about him is poetically embellished.” Albert Einstein